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A world where all type of magical creatures exists,Angels , Demons , Snakes ,WareWolfs, Vampires , Fairy's and Mermaids.

They all have their own kingdom  with their own king and queen.

All the kingdoms were living happily like friends without any problems,until one day when all the kings and queens of all kingdoms went missing.

While some kingdoms were having chaos cause of some betrayer who wanted to use this chance to get the thrones but the crown prices fighted with them to keep them away .

The other encouraged their crown prince to take the throne ...

All the crown prince had to take responsibility of the kingdoms and there sibling from a very young age , which made them to be cold and heartless to everyone except their siblings.

While everyone thinks thet the crown prince are ruling everything there is someone who is ruling over them too.

Someone that no one knows about except the crown princes .

After all that someone claims to have the infinity crown .

A crown that holds the power of destroying all the kingdoms in some seconds , but the crown chooses his owner by himself .

But does he really have the crown , is he really this powerful  is he bad or good .

What if after 10 years all the princes and princesses have to reunite together and maybe even live together , how would they react .

Will they be friends or will the be enemies .

Well read this story to find out 😉.


Hello everyone this is my first story and i hope you'll like it ..

What do you think should I write this story or not .

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Thank you my butterfly 🦋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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