Chapter 1

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I slammed my first down on my alarm clock and got up. First, I reached for the button next to my bed that calls my loyal assistant, Fredley. "Good morning, Miss Carter, how may I assist you today?"

"Fredley, you know you don't have to talk like that with me...." I said, annoyed but still happy.

"I am truly sorry Miss Carter," He whispers and I chuckled, "I thought your Mother was around. I was also raised this way, to answer everyone's needs. That's what happened at the work place in England."

"Well, kind sir, I would prefer a hot chocolate with a hint of sugar sir." I responded, imitating him. He bowed and went downstairs. I locked my bedroom door and went into my bathroom. Yes, I know I have my own bathroom. I'm truly lucky aren't I?

I turned on the shower, and went back into my room and grabbed my school clothes. My school clothes consist of a short black skirt, a white collard shirt and long white, up-to-the-knee socks. We can only wear black or white shoes. I entered the bathroom again and stripper down, and got into the shower.

~ After shower ~
I hopped out and grabbed my towel. I put on fresh lingerie and my short black skirt and white collard shirt. I dried my red hair and left it down, while I put on my white socks, whilst almost falling into the bath. ALMOST.

I opened the door and to my surprise, Fredley was standing there, with my hot chocolate and a strawberry cupcake. Yummy! "You know, you should be a singer, Ka'NayNay....." Fredley said. I blushed. How long was he standing here, I thought, and how did he get in here?

"You should be getting off to school, young lady. Before the big cow yells at you." Fredley suggested and I chuckled at Fredley and I's nickname. You see, we call mum the big cow, ever since I got here. "She's probably not even here....." My voice trailed off, "Like always...." Listen, before you judge, my mum's never here! Why would they even adopt me if they don't wanna look after me? Why, why, why?!?!?!?!

Ugh! My life may seem perfect, but it has its downsides. Like everyone's. (Their lives, of course!) But, overall, I'm a chilled, laid back, joyful and funny person. BING! I grabbed my phone and got a text from my best friend, Denika Hart.

Denika: Hey gurllllll! U should've came to Lou's party! It was crae - crae! I met a hot guy!

I texted her back;
Me: I couldn't! I had to study! How would I have known unless you told me last minute!?!?! Luv ya! Xox

I didn't get a reply. Hmph! I went downstairs and grabbed my already packed bag. I put all the stuff I need in there. I grabbed an apple and slyly took out a twenty dollar note. Don't worry, I'll give it back, its only for lunch.

I walked outside and pulled out my car keys and opened the garage door. I went inside and looked st the cars. Eenie - Meanie -Minie - Mo... My hand landed on my favourite. My electric blue Lamborghini. I unlocked the door, and hopped in. I put my bag next to me and started the car up. I backed out of the drive, and drove off to school. Today's gone be a long day.....

~ Hi guys!!!!!!
FIRST DAY OF HOLIDAYS! WHOOP! WHOOP! So, if you're getting confused about the characters, next chapter is going to be the characters, just so you know! On the character page, I'm going to have their age, history and background story and description..... Ka'NayNay might have a boyfriend!!!!!! And you guys should guess who!

So, I'm super duper sorry that the chapters are short!!!! I'm trying to make it as long as I can, but it is VERY hard.

Bye guys! That's all I wanted to talk about! See ya!

- Selfie_14 xox!!!! ~

Sorry about the #Thicke & #Douche, I was thinking about Bart Baker's, Blurred Lines parody.... Its hilarious! Plus, its my birthday in FOUR more days and I'm turning 11!!!! YEA BOI!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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