Climbing up higher steps-3

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(the second part of this chapter has gone missing. I have to type it all over again. Else the continuity would not be please wait)

"Here are the keys, Mr. and Mrs. Birla. Happy living, cutie pie," the house owner handed over the keys to Abhimanyu and Arohi, casting a warm glance at Roohi.

Abhimanyu and Arohi decided to rent a two-bedroom flat in an apartment for the time being. If it wasn't comfortable, they would consider moving.

Since both had the same surname, the house owner assumed they were a married couple. However, Abhimanyu and Arohi didn't dwell on it or try to correct him. They didn't concern themselves with others' perceptions of their relationship. Clarifying that they were not married would lead to unnecessary confusion and require explanations. Some people would understand, others might not.

"Yeah! Hooo! Matashree, see how spacious this house is... I can even hear my own voice echoing!" Roohi exclaimed. The flat was simple with minimal furniture, a refreshing change from the super decorated, royal look of both the Birla and Goenka houses. Roohi ran around the house singing randomly, enjoying the echo of her voice in the flat.

While Abhimanyu carried the suitcases into each room, Arohi started making a list of things they needed to buy. Her joining date at the institute was just three days away, so she planned to purchase all the necessary appliances and furniture.

Arohi abruptly entered the room where Abhimanyu was and, opening the door slowly, said, "Abhimanyu, we have a lot of things to buy. We can't manage with this minimal furniture and appliances. The kitchen only has a few utensils and one induction stove, which is not enough for an Indian household. I was thinking, could we go shopping for the necessary items tomorrow?"

However, she was surprised by what she saw Abhimanyu doing.

"Abhimanyu, you don't have to arrange my things in the cupboard. I'll do it myself. Besides, I'll have to take my luggage to the hostel in three days, so I'll manage with the suitcase. You really don't have to do these things," she said.

"Cool, Dr. Arohi. There's only one cupboard for both rooms, and I'm just arranging the clothes that might be necessary for three days. Until we buy more furniture, let's store all three of our clothes in this cupboard. And wait, why are you worried about me arranging things? Is there any personal stuff of yours that I shouldn't come across?" Abhimanyu smirked mischievously.

"No, Abhimanyu. I was just thinking that you might not be used to doing these things, and I didn't want you to strain yourself. You've already put in so much effort to bring me here for my higher studies," she said.

"And vaise bhi, you're someone who'll always immerse yourself in your grief, drink, and not give a damn about the outside world or do any work other than being a doctor in the hospital," she muttered to herself.

"What?" he interrupted her thoughts, having caught her mumbling about his past behavior.

For those six years, Abhimanyu would do nothing for the family after coming back from the hospital at night. Some days, he would drink and sit on the veranda, or if he didn't, he would just sit outside in the garden and look at the sky, pondering about his life. Roohi watched him and was deeply interested in getting to know this peculiar family member.


On a tranquil evening, Abhimanyu sat in the garden, reclining on the backrest of the lawn bench.

"Don't you sleep at night? You're older, not going to school, but you go to the hospital, right? Won't your teachers scold you for getting up late? Matashree is very strict about sleeping times. She says everyone should be punctual and follow a routine for good health to become a good girl... Are you not a good boy? Doesn't your mom scold you?" A cute girl's question from behind caught his attention.

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