Getting Acquainted with

Start from the beginning

Siraj chuckled warmly. "You're such a sweetheart, always seeing the best in people. I just wish he had met you earlier."

I arched an eyebrow, curious. "What do you mean by that?"

Yashasvi's expression hardened. "He wouldn't have fallen for her tricks."

"Her?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

They exchanged a solemn glance before speaking simultaneously, "We didn't say anything."

I raised an eyebrow at their synchronized denial. "Sure sounded like something. Now spill it; who is this 'her' you mentioned?"

Yashasvi swallowed nervously before continuing, "Promise not to tell Kabir we told you this?"

I mimicked crossing my fingers. "Scout's honor."

He sighed, casting a hesitant glance at Siraj. "Do you want to explain, or should I?"

"I'll just mess it up," Siraj admitted with a regretful expression.

"Alright then," Yashasvi began, "This isn't something we usually discuss because it's kind of insignificant, didn't even last long, but it did leave a mark on Kabir. So, here's what went down: about four years ago, we were in England for a series. Kabir was just 21 then, innocent and naive as ever, although he still carries that innocence. Anyway, there was this Indian-born woman settled in the UK, around 25, or thereabouts; we never asked her exact age, you know, not polite. Her name was Swati, and she worked as a hotel receptionist where our team was staying."

"Ah," I nodded, sensing a foreboding tale unfolding.

Yashasvi glanced at Siraj for affirmation before continuing, "Things happened between Kabir and Swati. She was kind, polite, and understanding, and our boy Kabir, against his better judgment, developed feelings for her. Well, maybe not full-blown feelings, but definitely a crush."

As I listened intently, Siraj took over the narrative. "To cut it short," he began, "Swati agreed to date Kabir once she found out about his feelings. I mean, who wouldn't want to date Kabir given the chance, right? She painted a beautiful picture of their future together—settling down, starting a family, the whole shebang. They seemed happy, and we were happy for them too. But then, one day, we discovered that she already had a boyfriend and was just stringing Kabir along."

"After that revelation, Kabir was devastated. It was his first experience with love and heartbreak. He's not one for lovey-dovey stuff usually, but he gave it a shot, only to have his heart broken. For a year after that, he was in a bad place emotionally. It affected his game too. He genuinely liked Swati, but it turned out she didn't feel the same way. And that's the story in a nutshell."

I sighed heavily, the weight of newfound knowledge settling on my shoulders. "Why didn't Kabir tell me any of this?" I wondered aloud.

Siraj scratched his head, looking puzzled. "Maybe he thought it wasn't something he needed to bring up. It's all in the past, right? Nothing to dwell on."

Yashasvi chimed in, "Or perhaps he wanted to seem strong for you. Didn't want you to see that vulnerable side, you know?"

My gaze drifted to the floor, emotions swirling within me. "But that's the thing," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't need him to be strong all the time. I want him to be real, to show his emotions. He's seen me at my lowest, but I've never seen him vulnerable. It's like there's a part of him he's keeping hidden, and it makes me realize how much effort it'll take to truly understand him."

Siraj pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Don't blame yourself for any of this. You're nothing like Swati, which is a huge relief for us. Kabir's the youngest in our team, and we're all fiercely protective of him. But his reserved nature isn't your fault, so don't feel guilty or stressed about it."

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