Shadow gains a bounty

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As Sonic and Shadow raced through the town, their movements swift and decisive, they quickly attracted the attention of the marine patrols. With shouts and alarms sounding behind them, Sonic dashed ahead, his speed propelling him towards the market where they could gather supplies for the Going Merry.However, as they rounded a corner, they stumbled upon a group of familiar faces. Luffy's old pirate enemies, led by the notorious Captain Kuro, had been lying in wait, hoping to ambush the Straw Hat Pirates.Shadow's eyes narrowed as he recognized the threat. "Leave them to me, Sonic. Go on ahead and gather the supplies. I'll deal with these pirates."Sonic nodded, trusting in Shadow's abilities. With a flash of speed, he darted away towards the market, leaving Shadow to face off against the approaching pirates.As Shadow confronted the pirates, his swift movements and precise strikes left them reeling. With each opponent he faced, his determination only grew stronger, fueled by his desire to protect his newfound allies and ensure their safety.Meanwhile, Sonic arrived at the market, where he quickly began gathering supplies for the Merry. Despite the chaos unfolding around him, he remained focused on the task at hand, determined to gather everything they needed before rejoining his friends.Back on the streets, Shadow continued to battle against Captain Kuro and his crew, each clash bringing him closer to victory. With his unmatched speed and skill, he swiftly incapacitated his opponents, leaving them defeated and scattered in his wake.As Sonic returned to the Merry with the supplies in tow, he was greeted by the sight of Shadow standing victorious amidst the fallen pirates. But as the dust settled, they both knew that their actions had not gone unnoticed.With a sense of grim satisfaction, Sonic and Shadow prepared to face the consequences of their actions. Little did they know, their exploits would soon earn them a place among the most wanted individuals in the East Blue, setting the stage for even greater challenges and adventures to come.

As Shadow swiftly dealt with Luffy's old pirate enemies, he found himself confronted not only by the pirates but also by a contingent of marines who had been patrolling the area. Undeterred, Shadow faced them head-on, his determination unyielding as he took on both sides with his formidable skills.With lightning-fast reflexes and precision strikes, Shadow incapacitated the marines and pirates alike, leaving them stunned by his speed and power. As the dust settled, Shadow stood amidst the fallen adversaries, a silent guardian protecting his allies and ensuring their safety.However, his actions did not go unnoticed by the marine authorities. Witnessing the chaos and realizing the threat that Shadow posed to their operations, they quickly issued a bounty for his capture, one that surpassed even Sonic's.Word of Shadow's exploits spread like wildfire throughout the East Blue, and soon his face adorned wanted posters alongside Sonic's, with an even higher bounty attached.As Sonic returned to the Merry with the gathered supplies, he was met by the sight of Shadow standing victorious amidst the aftermath of the battle. But as they took stock of their situation, they both understood that their actions had consequences, and that the road ahead would be fraught with even greater challenges.With the marines now hot on their trail and bounties on their heads, Sonic, Shadow, and the Straw Hat Pirates knew that they would need to stay vigilant and work together if they hoped to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead on their journey.As Shadow stood amidst the aftermath of the confrontation, a hush fell over the town of the beginning and the end. His decisive actions had left both pirates and marines alike in awe, but they also caught the attention of those in power.Unbeknownst to him, the marine authorities swiftly issued a bounty for Shadow's capture, one that sent shockwaves through the entire East Blue. The number emblazoned on the wanted posters surpassed all expectations, leaving even the most seasoned individuals astonished."100,000,000,000 Berries...," Sonic muttered, staring at the wanted poster in disbelief. "That's... That's even higher than some of the most notorious pirates in history!"Shadow's expression remained stoic, but inwardly, he knew that this turn of events would complicate their journey. With such a staggering bounty on his head, he would become a target for bounty hunters and mercenaries from all corners of the world.As the news of Shadow's bounty spread, whispers and rumors filled the air, painting him as a figure of mystery and danger. Some saw him as a threat to be feared, while others admired his strength and resolve.Meanwhile, aboard the Going Merry, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates grappled with the implications of their newfound alliance. Luffy, ever the optimist, saw it as an opportunity for adventure and excitement, while Nami worried about the dangers that lay ahead.But amidst the uncertainty and the looming threat of capture, one thing remained certain: Sonic, Shadow, and the Straw Hat Pirates would face whatever challenges came their way together, united in their determination to carve out their own destinies on the high seas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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