Scar's Plan

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As the sun begins to set in the Pridelands, many wonder if this pain will end. Flames engulf the humid landscape, their fiery fingertips coiling around the trees and rocks forming scars and burns, a reflection of the atmosphere. Hope was a regular in the Pridelands before Scar arrived, with the guard constantly aiding the helpless in their time of need. Even with the Pridelands at war, the lion guard was always there. Fuelled by the knowledge and kindness by their roar-yielding leader. Kion.

"Kuwa na matumaini.", you could hear the bleeding, the injured, the scared. It means have hope, something that Scar was slowly depleting. His army was impossible to defend even with resistance. They needed Kion. Simba didn't have the natural ability of executing plans to perfection. And unlike Kion, Simba was willing to admit and allow defeat. The chaos was the beginning of the rebirth of the Pridelands, with Scar in all his former glory, leading the battle from the front lines.

Scar's P.O.V

The terror in their eyes, the act of revenge, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My constant desire for justice and to once again rule from the spotlight. No longer as a mentor to ignorant fools, no longer a puppet in Mufasa's game, Simba's pawn or Kion's greatest enemy. No. Now I lead an army of lions, undying loyalty evident by their rapid, obedient response to my every command. Though what I question is why Kion hasn't taken over the Pridelands before Kiara is Queen. Unlike me, he had a clear opportunity. Whilst I had to wait, hoping for miracles and watching the birth of the heir to the throne, and the whole Pridelands. If only he knew. As long as he doesn't use the roar to achieve his goal, his tactical knowledge and immense strength would guarantee himself the roar and leadership. And we all know that's what everyone wants. Power.

Ushari is currently ordering the troops to prepare for phase 1 of the takeover. Each group will attack from each side, dividing them into 5 squads, attacking the Pridelands from every angle. Just on the outside. They will lure them into spaces. Safe zones for them to live under our watchful gaze. Unlike my first rule over the land, food will never go short. Herds will bread and be slaughtered everyday. Some plants will grow, with food from other parts of the Empire being exported. The hub of this plot is in the Jungle, where we will forget about the Jungle of Roots for a while. It serves us no purpose. Kion will lead whoever he can back there, ultimately resulting in us marching onto them. But before this, phase 2... 

Phase 2 will be vultures throwing flames onto the Pridelands. They will not stop until parts are burnt to the brim. An eternal dry season will last with the curses Ushari has been placing. Once Kion and the others arrive, we will make an example of Simba to them. Kion will be put under pressure. Save any survivors or avenge his father. And time will not be a luxury he has. Finally, phase 3 is where the plan ends. If Kion chooses to help survivors, we will force him to go through the rest of my army, including Zira's pride. Though if he decides to avenge his father, right as he reaches Simba, I will attack him. The perfect plan, though I cannot forget how I got here. If not for the foolishness of Shetani and of course the jealousy of Kopa, my plan would've never worked out.

 Kopa was nearly too easy to manipulate. Unknown to Shetani, Kion arriving didn't anger me. It only made my plans for Kopa easier. His hatred for Kion at the time was not as strong as he thought. When I told him he still had that Pridelander's spirit in him, it's because he did. And he's actually a decent fighter, just his low self-esteem was what stops him from achieving his goals. Unlike his, I believe that something great will happen.

Shetani is a whole other topic. He is the true reason that I'm here. He should've known I wasn't going to guide him to his victory, I was guiding him to mine. Everything I had him do when he wasn't fighting was preparation for the transformation. It had to be him as he was the idiot to resurrect me. He has brought chaos into the world and gained nothing except going down in history as the cause of death. Ultimately, he was responsible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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