Still Here With You

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Amani's P.O.V

We walked back towards the Cave of Roots whilst the rest of the Jungle Watch carried Kion towards the healers cave inside the palace to rest. I knew he'd be alright but it brought back memories. Painful memories to see Kion like that. He was strong, like my parents. But they went to the other side. Kion is the only one who can quite understand my pain fully. We've both got responsibilities, felt lost and just understand each other. The last thing my parents ever said to me was, "I will always love you." The one thing I need to say to Kion sooner rather than later. Now I fear that I may never say those words to him.

Kiara must've felt worse. Her brother was attacked by her other brother. She was split in the middle. Hate one or care for the other. And she's the older brother to one and younger sister to the other. He walked over to where Kion roared and I heard him say something. About being a mess, how he left things off with someone called Vitani, but I don't know if that's the reason he turned evil. He betrayed family, but despite how Kion came across from the start to him, in the end, he had the heart to risk his life for someone who doesn't deserve it, only to be stabbed in the back. And now Kopa was going on trial, with no one going on his side. Kiara is a direct family member but she refused to support Kopa. Kopa's allegiance was questionable. He was deceived by Scar, but then again, weren't we all?

Does that mean that Shetani is just another piece of the puzzle. But like Kopa, is he disposable? Is he next. No, he can't be. He's got too many followers. But we captured them? So now he's got no one. He won't be coming back without an army. But maybe that's what Scar wanted. Shetani to be vulnerable so we focus on him and not him. But how can we stop a lion head made of fire?

We arrived at the Cave of Roots where Kion was set down to rest. Only time would tell. Luckily Kopa didn't bite too hard. And his aim is terrible. He couldn't hit Kion into the tree, thank the Kings. I went to rest whilst the healers got to work on Kion. Kiara, Kovu, Bunga and Ono were shown a place they could stay. And then the King and Queen got a report from Bakari, the captain of the royal guard. I'd lost the will to do anything until I knew Kion was okay, so I was just thinking. Trying to crack the code, figure out Scar's plan. He couldn't possibly want to be a mentor, but what else could he be. Could he potentially come back to life. No, he's already been resurrected. He isn't that much of a threat if we can convince his followers to quit. To see their actual worth to him. I couldn't understand it, but Kopa's trial was set to start soon. I had to be there. For Kion.


Nala's P.O.V

I'm worried for Simba. He worries too much that Kion is being  influenced by Amani. But I really think that he's just scared that Kion's grown up like Kiara, and love is imminent. His father and mother never told him how love takes you on a journey which can take you anywhere. And that means, Kiara and Kion never learnt that. Kiara and Kovu were always going to rule here, but Kion, he may move on and live somewhere else.

Just then, Rafiki ran into the cave."Nala, Nala! There is a great threat to come to the Pridelands. Scar will soon turn back into a lion, trading physical forms with the invader of the Jungle."

"Rafiki, how do we stop this?", I questioned, very worried.

"We can't. An army of previously departed lions will march in great numbers. Thousands of them under Scar's control, meaning that the roar must return if we are to have peace.", he replied and I instantly knew the pain we'd put both Kion and Amani through.


Kopa's Trial

Amani's P.O.V

Will You Be Mine? Kion x AmaniWhere stories live. Discover now