Chapter 11: Daycare ordeal

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⚠️ Warning : A little bit of violence ⚠️

As Gregory enters the Daycare. Freddy tells him that he's unable to reach him, but to check for the Daycare security badge, then to let Freddy in. He goes to the slide entrance and slides down into the ballpit, moves through and looks up to see a sun animatronic, coming out the tower wall and dives into the ballpit. As Gregory continues moving in the ballpit, then Sun jumps up in front of Gregory and picks him up.

Sun: Hello! New friend! You're sure are up late! Are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends?

Sun gets Gregory out of the ball pit and puts him down.

Sun: We can finger paint, tell stories, drinks Fizzy Faz until our heads ex-PLOSE and stay up night! There is only one rule: keep the lights on. ON. on...

Gregory sees the barrels and knocks them down to distract Sun and runs up to the security desk. Once he gets there, Sun skips up to Gregory.

Sun: New friend, this area is off-limits. You're gonna get us in trouble. Don't you want a puppet show? I have glitter glue! Do you like glitter glue? Googly eyes?

Gregory grabs the security badge and then the power goes out. He hears a scream, turns around and sees Sun on the desk.

Sun: No-no! Why would you do that? Lights on! Lights on! I warned you-I WARNED YOU!!

Meanwhile outside the daycare, Y/n was patrolling around until a scream was heard from inside, cracked the door open and saw the terrifying creature coming from the side of the desk, speaking in a creepy voice, and its face, shaped like a moon, with red eyes glowing, and jumping on the desk.

Moon: Naughty boy, naughty boy. It's past your bedtime. You must be punished. Nighty-nighty.

As soon as Moon disappeared in the darkness, Freddy spoke...

Freddy: Gregory I do not know what you did, but the lights are out in the Daycare! You need to find the emergency generators and turn them on.

Y/n goes in, sees Moon coming down and charges right to Gregory, looks at the barrels, and knocks them down.

Y/n: Hey kid! Go and turn on the generators, I'll keep him distracted!

As Gregory goes and finds three of the generators, he sees Moon jump on Y/n and pins them down to the floor.

Y/n: Aah!

Moon: I got you! Now, time to be punished.

Y/n: *Gagging* P-please d-on't...

As Moon was about to choke Y/n with his robotic hands, Gregory saw what was happening and managed to get the last generator, the Daycare lights are back on. Gregory gets out of the jungle gym, doesn't see Moon and goes to Y/n.

Gregory: Hey! Are you ok?

Y/n: *Nods* Yeah, thanks kids.

Gregory: *Sigh* That's good. Come on, let's get out of here.

Y/n gets up and walks with Gregory up to the security desk and he presses the button. Y/n was about to open the door, but sees Gregory get grab behind him and sees Sun.

Sun: Rule-breaker! Rule-breaker! You are banned from the Daycare.

Sun throws Gregory out of the Daycare, Y/n catches him in their arms and hits the back of their head while landing on the floor. Before Y/n was about to pass out unconsciously, they heard Sun say...

Sun: Security alert! Security alert! Wooo! Wooo!

And the door shuts.

Forgotten Memories: GlamMike x Night Security Guard Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now