Dogday's smiley expression turned to one of shock as he reached for the chocolate bars through the net, as if that would help.

Of course, he couldn't reach the bars from up here. He let out a small whimper, realizing that his mission failed.

"Awww...I really wanted those chocolate bars..."

The dog's ears perked up as he heard a certain couple snickering, along with some soft chuckles. He turned to see Bubba and Kickin, both of which were a small bit amused by Dogday's predicament.

Right! He should've known. Bubba would definitely have predicted his plan.

"Haha! Sorry dude, but not this time! It's wayyyy too late to deal with a sugar rush."

Kickin commented, looking up at the dog, who struggled against the net a little. Admittedly, he felt a little bad for him, but if Dogday ate those chocolate bars, well...

He'd be too hyper for any of the critters to deal with. Even Hoppy would be too tired to put up with his hyper shenanigans.

"Yeah, sorry Dogday, maybe some other day. Buuut...if you agree not to eat the chocolate bars, we'll let you have a midnight snack! From Picky, too! How does that sound?"

Dogday thought the idea over. While it did suck to not have some chocolate...he supposed a snack from Piggy would suffice!

Maybe if he's lucky, he can even get some pie!

His tail began to wag at thought. He responded with a small nod.

"Good boy."

Bubba said half-jokingly, pulling the net down and freeing Dogday from it. He could've sworn that the dog's tail sped up when he said that. Interesting.

"Alright, let's make our way to Picky's to see what she can get ya, alright Dogday?"

"Sure thing, Bubba!"

The three began to make their way to Picky's house, Bubba carrying a small flashlight to light the way, just in case.

It was rather dark after all, they'd have to squint to see anything, especially small objects.

"You know, Bubba...that contraption of yours was pretty cool~."

Bubba's face flushed slightly from Kickin's compliment, a sheepish smile forcing itself onto Bubba's face.

He couldn't help but smile whenever the chicken complimented him! He could only imagine that the feeling is much, much harder for Dogday to hide, given how easily his tail wags.

"Aww Kickin, you're too kind! It's not like I did it alone, anyways. You helped me make it after all."

Dogday say a ball on the ground. Admittedly, he was tempted to grab it, but he knew that now wasn't the time.

Maybe he could ask Kickin or Bubba to play fetch tomorrow..

"Haha! You say that as if you owe me or something!"

"Speaking of..."

Bubba then brought his face to Kickin's, giving him a small kiss, before quickly pulling away.

Caught off guard by the sudden kiss, Kickin's face flushed red, which made Bubba smirk, amused.

"There. That should suffice."

Kickin was about to respond, before Dogday said something himself.

"Awww come on guys! Now you're making me feel lonely.."

Kickin and Bubba almost forgot about Dogday, the two of them looking back at him.

Right. They forgot how much Dogday misses Catnap, even when he's only gone for a day or so.

The two let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh right! Sorry Dogday, heh. Didn't mean to remind you."

"Nah it's fine. The two of you are quite cute together, anyways!"

The two just stared at Dogday, who didn't seemed confused himself.

"Uh...? Guys?"

Kickin looked over at Bubba.

"Bobby isn't like, possessing him right now...right dude?"

"I mean...I don't think so."

"Aw come on guys! Bobby's not the only one who can appreciate a cute couple!"

The three continued to make their way towards Picky's house, in order to get Dogday a nice midnight snack [or meal, rather, knowing the dog] to satisfy him for the day.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Where stories live. Discover now