2. 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒂

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Narrator POV:
𝑺he got up from the ground that she's been sleeping on, she thought '𝑰 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍' Myla looked around she was in a forest she looked at the abnormal big trees when she looked back she noticed a red tiny fox staring right at her.
"Oh hi..!" Myla tried to talk to the fox maybe she can use him to get to a town were people lived like Ironside explained to her

The fox stared at her a few more seconds before walking away "Noo! Please wait for me I don't know where I am or where I have to go stay with me!!" She begged the fox to stay with her till she was in a town maybe the people were  kind enough to help her.
The fox stopped then looked at her before nodding agreeing to let her go with him

Myla sighed in relief "Thanks so much"
She said walking beside the fox, she asked the fox to lead her to the nearest town, while in their way to the town they walked to a more normal forest "can we please rest?" Myla said tired of walking.
Few seconds after she started complaining they both heard a loud bump, they moved their heads towards the noise came and then the red fox started to walk toward  where the loud noise came

Percival POV:
I raised my head as I heard footsteps coming near where I was, I saw a red fox and a young girl staring at me "Hi!! Do you know where are we??" I asked with a great amount of energy but I saw the fox ignoring me and walking away and the girl following him behind "eh?" Was the only thing that came from my mouth as I followed them.
The fox started  to speed walk with the girl I was  struggling to keep up with them
Then they started to run leaving me alone "wait  don't leave me behind, I'm all alone please don't leave me!" I screamed running behind them with tears on my eyes i didn't want to be alone anymore.

I saw the girl stop running and looked back at me "Okay I will go with you stop crying" the girl said trying to comfort me "Really..?" I asked "Yes I'm staying with you" the girl answered
"What's your name?" I asked the girl while I cleaned the tears from my eyes

"My name is Myla , what's yours?"  Myla asked while looking at the places she last saw the fox
"My name is Percival" I said again with my usual energy " The fox went that way let's go there" Myla went walking to the way the fox went and I followed her but we couldn't find the fox anywhere.
We reached the end of the forest as we saw group of three people doing magic tricks

When they finished we both clapped "Wow you guys are awesome" I said meaning it since I genuinely think it, a redhead boy came to us saying weird things as like money and paying him which both didn't understand since we never used money or we had to pay.

Narrator POV:
"What do you mean by paying..?" Myla asked the redhead boy, the guy seem dumbfounded by our lack of intelligence "You!" The redhead pointed at me "You will pay us by giving your bag to us" he said as i did as I was told because I didn't really understand those words that he was using.
"I will show you a really cool trick" the redhead said while levitating us a few meters up from the ground then  him and his friends started to run away in their chariot.

"That's horrible Donny!" A whitehead girl said to the redhead which his name his Donny
"I'm just teaching them how cruel the world is and the effect is temporary, it's not a big deal"
Donny answered with no hint of regret in his voice.
"It's a big deal!" The whitehead girl said with concern in her voice

What shall we do? Turn around? We are already far from them" Donny was making any kind of excuse to not turn around but from nowhere Percival runs with an inhuman speed towards the chariot dragging Myla along with him

Donny, Elva and Katz are were still processing what the hell just happened "Dude I'm sorry we were already planning to turn around" Donny said scared of what that boy is capable of doing
"Do you guys know someone named Ironside, he is my dad but he killed my grandpa"

Everyone was shocked at his story since that isn't a common thing, but none of them knew Ironside but Myla she knew him more than enough
"I know him" Everyone turned to look at Myla "he serves my dad" Percival jumps onto her gripping her clothes tight "Where his he now I need to know! I need to ask him why! Why did he kill my grandpa!"Everyone could see that Percival was desperate to know the reason why would his father commit such a crime
"He's probably in Camelot with his son Diodora" I said trying to stop him from shaking me

"What do you mean by son?! Do I have a brother?!" Percival now had more questions to ask his father " I don't know my own father hide this world from me since recently, sorry I can't give you more information than this"

"We can give you guys a ride" Katz said trying to make up from what his friend did to them
"But we this isn't for free, show us your ability"
Donny said since he couldn't get money from those two who lacked intelligence and money

They did a prove to Percival, they gave him a a bow and arrow to see if he was good with it but somehow he ended throwing it backwards, the arrow went to Donny's head making a line in his hair, Myla's prove went even worser than Percival her arrow made another line in Donny's hair but larger than Percival's
"Let's stop this proves before I end up dead"
Donny said regretting even meeting them

We were in the way to the village when two man came running to us warning us that the village was under attack from a wolf and to call  the holy knights but Donny had another plans and he speeded going faster to the town "what are you doing?!" Myla questioned his actions "it's just a wolf we get rid of it and for exchange we ask for food!"but he suddenly stopped when he saw a giant wolf
"I think we need to call the only knights!" He said scared and surprised by how big the wolf was

"There's people inside the house the fox his attacking !! " Elva screamed since it was a really chaotic moment "we are nothing compared to that giant monster the only thing we can do his call a holy knight!" Donny said and it was true none of us could do nothing or that was we thought, cause Percival jumped of the chariot making his way to the wolf
"Percival!" Myla called him but he was decided to save the poor grandpa and his grandson

She couldn't  just stand and see how her new friend fight to save those people so she jumped of too , Percival was on the floor almost unconscious Myla went to him checking if he was still alive when she felt someone pushing her out of the place she was, it was Donny he saved both of them from getting a serious injury from the wolf but in the process he got injured
After Percival got up again and defeated the wolf the village decided to celebrate it with a party
"Ow ow be be carful Katz" Donny complain "be proud of having this scars you can see it and remember how brave you were" Katz tried to see the good side of those scars "don't try to comfort me, where is our hero?" Donny looked around trying to find his now new friend "the girls took him to the lake to chill"

With Percival and the girls:
We were in the lake talking of how Donny is a great person since he put in danger his own life to save us
When we finished washing ourselves we went to the village again and celebrated and asked  the villagers if they knew about Ironside but none knew nothing, Percival was getting frustrated and started to scream Ironside name from nowhere someone said they know him and where he is now
"Ironside? I know him he is my ally"
The man  with a black armour replied, Percival commanded to tell him where he is but the black armour man which name is Pellegarde ignored Percival questions and Percival ignored how Pellegarde liked his guts they both continued to interact until they decided it's time to fight
This is the second chapter I write and it haves 1533 words sorry if it's slowpaced I don't really like when all happens too fast but I promise all this wait with be paid off😋🕴🏿

𝑨𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒓'𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now