The voice growled deeper inside, "No, what he's given you is pain and misfortune. Remember how life was once damn good before you met him that day in the hotel? After that, your life has only seemed to get worse and worse. Before that, you were better, and now, you're just delusional. Don't you see that he's only brought misfortune for you?"

I balled my fists in frustration. "Just leave me alone! I don't want to hear from you. Why do you always appear when things are finally going well?"

"It's not me ruining your happiness; it's that man you call your lover," the voice seethed.

"I'm done talking to you," I replied, my anger palpable. "Please, just go away. You hurt the people I loved last time, but I won't allow that to happen again. Never."

"Ah, your parents," the voice mused. "But can you deny the truth in what I said? They did betray your trust by hiding your adoption. It was a breach of trust on their part. But this," the voice continued, "this is different. You've been the one giving in this relationship. It's time you started taking."

Tears welled up, and my head throbbed. "Please, leave him alone. He's suffered enough. I don't want to see him hurt any more than he already is. He carries scars from his past, and I want to help heal them, not add to them."

"You think you're some kind of healer?" the voice mocked. "That's why people take advantage of you. You're too trusting, too kind. Toughen up like me, and no one will dare to hurt you. Strengthen yourself." It persisted, "Break him before he breaks you."

Moments later, the pounding in my head grew unbearable, sending sharp jolts of pain through me. The world started to spin, tilting and swirling around me. Soon, everything went black as I lost consciousness.

As I blinked my eyes open, Kabir's peaceful sleeping form greeted me beside the unfamiliar setting of what seemed to be his apartment. The hospital equipment, still monitoring my vitals, was a stark reminder of recent events, confirming that I was indeed out of the hospital.

My curiosity piqued, I sat up, taking in the surroundings. The rustle of movement roused Kabir, who opened his eyes and immediately pulled me into a tight embrace. His voice, filled with both love and concern, broke the morning silence as he whispered, "Why is it that whenever I'm not around, you end up getting hurt? If this is how it's going to be, I won't be able to leave you alone, Aryan."

I whispered back, my voice barely audible with emotion, "What happened?"

"You lost consciousness, and your blood pressure spiked," He began, his words trailing off as I interrupted him with a kiss. Urgency and longing mingled in that embrace, my fingers entwined in his hair as our lips sought solace in each other.

When the kiss broke, he looked at me, his eyes reflecting surprise and concern. "That was sudden."

"I needed that," I whispered, my gaze searching his with unspoken longing. "I need you, your presence. Everything. Please, don't leave me alone," I pleaded, pulling him close in an embrace that felt like home, our hearts beating in unison beneath our clothes. "Sometimes, I hear voices when you're not here. They tell me to let you go."

He rubbed my back gently, his touch a soothing balm to my turmoil. "And what do you say to them?"

"I don't want to," I murmured, almost like a confession.

"Then don't," He replied in a hushed voice, his tone filled with love and determination. "Stay with me."

"Yeah," I whispered, burying my face in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

He held me wordlessly, his arms a comforting cocoon around me as we basked in the quiet of the night. When I pulled back slightly to look at him, his eyes were dark and filled with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

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