kiof dating hcs

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- Absolutely adores you
- Loves to spoil you with gifts, flowers, dates you name it
- Spoons you all night but won't be upset if you spooned her
- Scolds you if you stay up late or don't eat
- She loves you so ofc she does🥹
- EXTREMELY good at comforting you
- If you're down, she almost instantly senses something wrong and is immediantly by your side
- Hates to see you feel bad and makes her feel horrible
- Her love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service (imo)
- Y'all are always teasing each other
- You guys rarely fight but when you do, she always the one to apologize first since she can't stand the thought of you being upset with her
- One time she came home from a busy schedule and accidently snapped at you, as soon as she saw smile fade away, she hugged you tightly and apologized

- Def a top gurly
- Kisses all day
- Always initiates pda, kisses, sometimes more than kissing😊
- her love languages are physical touch and quality time 
- Protective and possessive gf 
- Not afraid to bash anyone who flirts with you!!
- Once a waitress at this restaurant started flirting with you
- The waitress bit her lip, touched you persisted on getting your number while poor you kept declining while trying to still be polite
- Natty wasn't very happy😤
- She told her off in front of everyone in the restaurant, causing many pairs of eyes to land on the waitress 
- Loves when you visit her at the company because she misses you a lot 
- Enjoys giving you mini spoilers of the groups unreleased comebacks
- Even teaches you some choreo for fun

- I love this gurl so much😭
- Is a princess and will  be treated like a princess
- Although she likes to be taken care of, doesn't mean she doesn't like taking care of you
- Spoils you with gifts, kisses, hugs just because she loves you so much <3
- Acts of service and quality time type of girl
- Your first relationship so she normally iniciates any form of intimacy
- You love to ask her about her day at work and listen to her rant about it while you cook dinner
- Cares for you a lot and is willing to do anything for you
- Once you woke up from a terrible nightmare in tears, she cuddled you all night and sang you to sleep while playing with your hair
- Feels bad leaving you early in the morning for practice
- So she leaves you a sweet message on the kitchen counter saying things like
- "Good morning sweet girl❤️"
- "I'm gonna miss you so much at the company today😭"
- "Make sure to eat today, there's leftover food in the fridge, I love you~😘"

 - Her love for you is beyond words
- Despises leaving you in the morning, she'd rather stay in bed and snuggle up with you
- Misses you like crazy during practice, so she started wearing your clothes to work because she loves your scent🤭
 - Vents to you about what going on in her head, especially about the hate comments she gets about being 'talentless' or 'unneeded' in her group (SHE IS NOT🤬)
- Falls alseep in your arms after shedding her tears
- When you have a bad day at work, she'll go above and beyond to make you feel better
- You especially like it when she asks for song requests and then she perfectly sings it while playing her guitar
- Her ability to play guitar while singing so flawlessly never fails to impress you
- Trys her absolute best to be secretive about her comebacks but fails and ends up ranting about ✨EVERYTHING✨ on her upcoming schedules and songs
- Definitely a words of affirmation and physical touch person
- LOVES when you spoil her with kisses and gifts   


I've been procrastinating wayyyy too much but I hope you guys enjoy it!!!! Remember that this is just a small hobby i'm doing when i'm bored so don't expect updates TOO often, don't be shy to leave any suggestions byeee🥰 (I'm srry if its bad or has any errors😇)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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