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"No, never! I can't stay away from my abhi....why do you want to take away my abhi from me "Never, ever! I can't stay away from my Abhi... why do you want to take him away from me, Arohi?" Manjari accused, her voice tinged with hurt.

"No, Maa," Arohi tried to explain, but Abhimanyu interrupted, "Maa, it's my decision... and it's just for two years. We'll come back after that. Why are you so worried?"

"I'm not talking to you, Abhi!" Manjari shot back, turning her gaze towards Arohi. "You told me you had decided to drop your idea of higher studies. What changed? Why did you lie that day?"

"Maa, I had actually dropped the idea and didn't think about it even once after that... It was Abhimanyu who did me a favour by deciding to support my dreams. He's the one who has planned everything for us," Arohi explained.

The word 'favour' pierced Abhimanyu's heart. Was he just a third person? If he wanted to support his friend, why did she see it as a favour? "Never mind! We didn't have a typical level of friendship, and to the extent that I have taken her for granted, my supporting her dreams would sound like a favour to her. For now, I have to convince our family," he thought to himself.

"Listen, Arohi, I'm not against your higher studies, but why go abroad? Can't you do it in India? Can't you get into prestigious institutions here? Why should my Abhi sacrifice his career for your dreams?" Manjari ranted in anger.

"First of all, the institute Arohi has got into is one of the most famous in the US, where most doctors dream to be. It's her talent that got her selected on the first attempt itself. And, Maa, talking about my career, I have achieved the success I craved for. I have achieved my dreams, haven't I? Now, I want to take a rest. take a break but till be in touch with my practice. I am done with working 12-hour shifts in our hospital. I want to enjoy my personal life. If I can do that while supporting Arohi's dreams, why can't I?" Abhimanyu explained calmly.

Manjari was speechless. Any logic wouldn't work with her because she couldn't bear the thought of staying away from her son. She bent her head down, her face filled with sadness, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, Maa. We aren't going anywhere. I'll drop this plan," Arohi tried concluding, but Abhimanyu didn't let her finish. "Stop it, Arohi. You have already wasted a lot of time growing in your career, investing most of your time in this house and family. I am sure you would have achieved more as a single mother staying away from us, where you wouldn't have had to tolerate all the drama in this house. I can't let you do that again," he said firmly.

He looked at Manjari, getting a little emotional about staying away from his mom. "Maa, do you remember you behaved the same way when I went to London for my higher studies? I remained stubborn and went, right? You had to muster up the courage to send me there. Then what happened? Time flew by just like a second. Forget those days, Maa, we have technology now, and we can video call you every single day. I'll make sure you'll never miss us. We'll come back soon, Maa. Please, let us go. Please?" Abhimanyu requested with a pleading look in his eyes making a puppy face trying to be cute. Manjari had no room to say no.

"Okay," she said, her face still sad.

"Maa, say it with a smile, please? Please?" Abhimanyu asked.

"Okay," she laughed, looking at how Abhimanyu had convinced her. "But you have to video call us, okay? Or else, I'll fly there straight away to hit you," Manjari playfully threatened.

"Thanks a ton, Maa. You have no clue how much your permission means to me... I love you," Arohi hugged Manjari from behind. Manjari brushed Arohi's cheeks with her palm and said, "It's okay, beta. Do well. May you achieve greater heights." Arohi bent down to take her blessings.

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