The arrival

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Dominique's POV

I just landed in Barcelona from Australia. I am half spanish anyway so it should be easy for me to get around right? wrong. very, very wrong. 

Yes I have been talking in spanish with my abuela but that still didn't help because if I am being honest my and my grandma speak sort of spanglish with each other and my spanish was way to rusty to speak to native speakers.

I am walking through the airport looking for Linda. Linda is the woman I am staying with now that I have moved to Spain. Linda was a friend of my mothers before the incident.... 

I eventually find Linda in the crowd and she immediately embraces me in that distinct spaniard hug.

I always liked Linda. I first met her when I was 14 and visited Spain. Me and my family were staying with her and she poured some rum into my coke when my parents weren't looking and she has basically been my auntie ever since.

"Hola Domi, ay Dios mío have I missed you bebita" she says as she rubs my back.

"Hola tia I have missed you too, you have a lot to catch up on let me tell" I tell her rolling my eyes, recalling everything that happened in australia. 

"wow chiquita you definitely have and accent," she says in a teasing manner.

"oh shut up Linda" I say rolling my eyes once again. 

She drives us back to her apartment that I have missed so dearly. On the way there I finally have time to think. Think about what my new high school is going to be like, how I am going to commentate with everyone, how the Spanish school system ever works oh lord.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea moving to Spain. as my abuela said, I cant just run away from all my problems-

"we are here, after you unpack into your room we can either order in or go out," Linda says as she opens my car door for me.

" I also got you a welcoming gift, I know even though you like to study you also like to get wild just like your tia" she says squeezing me and pulling something out of her pocket.

Oh of course. she got my a fake ID.

"Ay thankyou Linda, this will definitely get some use."

"how about we use it tonight and go out to a club" she says with a cheeky smile.

"Linda you know I am only 16 right?" I say not that I am complaining, 

"si, but that ID says that you are 19" she says grabbing my luggage out of the car.

"ok fine linda lets get ebria!" I say squealing with her.

maybe it was a good idea to move to Spain.......

heyyy. I heard so highschool and immediately thought of this. updates are probably not going to be consistent but interacting and commenting on this would really encourage me! Xx

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