🫶 cuddles

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Lucifer sat down on his bed exhausted, today has been super long and stressful for him and he just wishes to sleep. There's a slight problem tho, he can't sleep without someone there comforting him.

He knows that it sounds stupid but he needs it. He rubs at his weary eyes and sighs a short breath. This was going to be torcher. He had a few thoughts on what to do to get someone to be in the same room as him as he slept. They all were humiliating though and the king still wanted to keep his pride.

Lucifer's mind wondered in possibility's on how he could get away with it without it being humiliating. Then it dawned on him, his new partner. Alastor and him have been dating for 2 months now, but only they knew, they kept it a secret. They have never slept on the same bed before as Alastor doesn't like touch that much and Lucifer respects his personal space.They share occasional cuddle sessions but it's never longer than 2 hours.

Lucifer could ask if he wanted to try to sleep with him tonight, as Alastor did say he was okay with trying new things. Lucifer hoped that Alastor would be comfortable enough with him to sleep with him.Lucifer sat up and shifted his weight into his legs and stood up. He started to make his way to Alastors radio tower, he admired the rebuild of this hotel and slid his hand on the wall as he walked. The new wallpaper for this floor seemed very fitting for the two who shared the floor. The only two rooms up on the highest floor was Lucifer's and Alastors.

He looked at the radio demons door and brought his hands to it. He was scared to knock because he didn't want to make Alastor feel uncomfortable... he didn't want Alastor to leave like everyone else did.

He sighed and connected his fists with the door. Banging on the door 3 times.

"Who is it?" Alastor called out, sounding displeased that he is being interrupted at 9 at night.

"I.. umm it's Lucifer," Lucifer whispers back but loud enough to where he could still be heard.

"Oh, come in dear, I didn't expect you tonight," he replied his voice softening a little bit. Lucifer opend the door and walked in a bit embarrassed.

"I umm sorry that I'm bothering you, I just wanted to ask you a question." Lucifer inquired sheepishly.

"Ask away darling"

"Do you maybe want to sleep with me tonight?" Lucifer averts his gaze the the ground and he starts to play with his hands.

"oh my. Ohhh my. What exactly do you mean by sleep together duckie..." Alastor asked worried about what Lucifer was asking, as he mistakes Lucifer's words for something else, and he was not ready at all for the thing he thought Lucifer was talking about.

Lucifer's face grows a bit brighter at the usage of the personal nickname, "Just to you know cuddle and then fall asleep in each others arms. I mean we obviously don't have to if you don't want to. It's stupid I should have never asked. I'm sor-" Lucifer starts but is caught off guard by a pair of lips meeting his.

Alastor kisses his partners lips for a short, loving filled kiss and then disconnects his lips from Lucifer's. "Your much cuter while quiet, you know that duckie?"

Lucifer's face is now a deep yellow, blush is crowding his face, he was not expecting a kiss for an answer "Oh shut up." Lucifer responds with no bite or malice in his words.

"Yes your shortness I will see how much I can handle of us sleeping together, and you know if I get uncomfortable I will stop so don't worry." Alastor responded answering all of the questions that could be asked afterwords so he wouldn't have to speak a longer.

"Hey I'm not that short." Lucifer responds in a pouty tone but he knows it's true.

"That my king is were you are wrong, now let's get to bed?"

"Yes my Bambi."

Lucifer snapped his fingers and teleported both his and his lover to Lucifer's room. He yawned and looked up at Alastor who seemed to be a little more shifty than normal. He could swear that the static that Alastor possesses got a little louder.

"Babe if you don't want it do this we don't have to.." Lucifer said feeling the emotions that weren't said out loud.

"No I want this.." Alastor says looking away from Lucifer. He took his hand and ruffled Lucifer's hair.

Lucifer felt loved by hearing that his partner wants to lay down with him even if he's not comfortable with touch. It made him feel special and he loves to feel special. He snapped his fingers and changed them both into matching pjs, they were duck themed of course.

"Wow ducks for my little duckie." Alastor said a hint of a tease coming through his radio filter. Lucifer ignored the comment and layed on his king size bed. Alastor came into his bed to and rapped his body around Lucifer's.

Lucifer put his face into Alastors chest and closed his eyes. He reopened them and shot Alastor a look. "Are you okay with this touch," he asked hesitating to re rest his head on Alastor as they cuddled.

"Yes darling" he said feeling more calmed from touch then he normally is. Alastor realized that he likes Lucifer touch and that it's calming. He only likes his touch tho, maybe Rosie's as well.

Lucifer closed his eyes and rested his head on Alastor non worried anymore, and if Alastor was uncomfortable he would stop and Lucifer knows that.

A few minutes pass of them being in this position to were Alastor believes the king is sleeping. He places a kiss on his kings forehead and holds him a bit tighter. He never knew how much he could love someone. He felt alive even while dead, just because of this little man in his grasp.

"I love you Lucifer..." Alastor whispers to what he beliefs is his sleeping partner, but Lucifer is still awake and he hears Alastors words. That was the first time Alastor had said that he loves him, and Lucifer knows that these cuddles and words would produce a great night of sleep.

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