En başından başla

"We wouldn't say no," Jared chimed in, a wide, hopeful smile on his face. "I know I definitely wouldn't say no— I could literally eat a log of tree bark right now."

Augustine grimaced, shoving the boy's shoulders lightly. "Relax, I offered," she told them, immediately seeing the way Jared deflated with a wave of tranquility. "Just don't hover; I hate it when there's too many cooks in the kitchen."

He snapped his fingers. "You got it, boss!" was his response, before he bounded away back to the living room to sit in her now unoccupied seat.

Paul slightly shuffled to the kitchen table that was nearby. "I won't hover but, can I watch?" he asked, eyes attached to her figure that was ruffling around in all of the cabinets.

She scoffed in amusement. "You can sit there and look pretty, but only if you tell me where Emily keeps the measuring spoons."

"Second drawer beside the stove." He pointed in said direction, and Augustine was quick to find them. She placed them on the table when she caught his eye once more. "You have everything you need?"

She scanned the equipment and the few ingredients she could find, before giving him a tentative nod. "I would've loved to add seat salt on top, but Emily doesn't have any, and it's not that important anyways, so—"

"I'll go get some for you?" he all but offered, already half risen out of his chair. Palming his pants for his keys, he fished them out easily. "I could be back in ten minutes?"

"The store's a fifteen minute drive away, Paul," she chided, shaking her head before turning to pick up an egg.

He chuckled, "I could make it there and back in ten, and still have time for small talk with Mrs Littlesea."

Augustine spun towards him once more, narrowing her eyes. "Don't speed," she warned him, but to Paul, all he heard was an okay, go for it.

After pressing a kiss to the side of her temple, he walked out the front door with his keys in his hand, and set off for the damn sea salt. The ravenette was convinced he'd make his own sea salt if it meant giving her what she wanted, and thankfully, she had time to revel in the endearment of it all.

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

She'd gone home after making almost a dozen cookies, sprinkling extra sea salt on top of them to show her appreciation for Paul going to get them. He stayed true to his word and didn't speed, even though it might've killed him. The look on Jared's face was priceless, and even if he just thought they were that good because he was starving, she still saw it as a win.

There was a soft knock at her door, and when she looked up to see who was there, it was Esme lurking in the doorway. "What's up?" she asked the older woman, closing her laptop and putting it beside her on the bed.

"This came in the mail, addressed to you with about a hundred express delivery stickers," she said, and it was then that Augustine noticed the pristine envelope that she was holding out in her direction.

Augustine was expecting this letter— was expecting his response, but she'd just sent it not even two days ago. She wasn't expecting such rapidity, and it made something uncomfortable settle in her chest. Was his response to her inquiries really that urgent?

"Thanks," she only murmured, giving Esme a tight smile as she took the envelope from her hand.

Esme then left without a word, and if she saw the small Volturi stamp on the corner covered by postal stickers, she hadn't mentioned it. A deep breath that was all for show later, she practically tore into the envelope, prepared to read the familiar penmanship that belonged to her old penpal. 


It's been a while since you've last written me; I must say, I was apprehensive about responding back given our last... conversation. If you get this, it means I've made up my mind. So, hello again.

What you describe to me is something I have yet to hear my masters speak of. It is unusual for you to experience such grand fatigue from using your gifts. It's within my own knowledge that nothing like this has happened to another vampire before, so something is not adding up here.

Once again, your very being has completely befuddled me; however, I shall investigate, starting with the vampire who possessed your same abilities that came before you... should I find him, that is. In the meanwhile, ask our dear Carlisle, as he should know something about the name Janvier.

I implore you to cease using your gifts at once, though. For all we know, you could be harming yourself in some unknown way, and my masters would be most unhappy about that.

I'm sure you're aware that the offer still stands, but should you fall into a slumber you cannot awake from, it would be revoked. Obviously.

Be safe, and I will write to you soon.


⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

[ wyn's note ]

teehee i'm legit on fire rn with these rapido updates omg, hope y'all are enjoying them!! oh how i love the pack, and pack fluff, and just fluff in general!! but boy do i also love angst, hence the last bit of this chap LOL

[ ! ] also, do we as a collective group of #paulxauggie lovers want some spice up in this fic? let a girl know!

thanks for reading, all love!!

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin