🍁12-Romantic Date💞

716 47 14

... Romantic Date ...

... Inside Movie Theatre ...

'You stay here i'm coming after giving order of popcorns and cold drinks for us bun' Dae said softly when they step in the mall after completing security checking.

He nod smiling at him and Dae left before wink at him while peeking from his cooler smugly.

He is Jimin's nephew afterall

Hyun giggles heartily and shook his head he chuckle and stand in queue still his eyes fixed on his fiance.

'He is so pretty right.' Dae mumble to himself and furrow when he heard a hummed sound.

He looked infront of him while raised his an eyebrow under his cooler while looking at a person.

Who is gawking at his fiance with his lustful eyes he tap on his shoulder he looked up at Dae irritatedly.

'What?!' He asked irritatedly again he looked towards Hyun who his looking at them confusedly and worried too.

'You want his number?' Dae asked he snap his head towards him and nods vigorously with creepy smile.

'911.' He said in his deep voice while showing him his phone screen while smirking.

'Don't play smart.' That person said and turn infront nervously Dae roll his eyes boringly.

He smile mischievously when an idea pop up in his mind and looked at his cute fiance.

'Baby give me a flying kiss.' Dae shout sulking Hyun widen his almond eyes and looking everywhere shyly.

'Pwwse cutie pie~~~' He whined and knowingly hit the person's biceps he groan cause of pain.

Some people looked at them weirdly, some are cooing and some are seeing boringly he made person so confused as fuxk.

'Bunnnnn~~~' He called him sweetly showing his innocent puppy eyes he bite his lip, fiddling with his finger and took baby step towards him.

'Your boyfriend?' That person asked in curious he shook his head smiling and mumble 'Wife.'

He embarrassedly turned around and focus on his phone while scroll to kill the time.

'What happened to you suddenly?' He said coming towards him Dae smile smugly while run his tongue over his lip teasingly make him more shy.


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