R.A.T. Pt.1 End - Early Intermission

441 2 7

Short chapter.
Yang gets shot down.
Jaune gets threatened murder.


"I'm sorry Yang, but I can't go out with you."

The theater was quiet as they took in Jaune's words.

Yang Xiao Long never expected to be turned down.

Growing up, Yang was usually the one turning down boys (and a few girls), sometimes over her tomboy-ish personality, but usually because of her looks. She knew she looked good, and figured she could get any date she wanted, when she was good and ready to try.

Never once did she consider that she herself would be turned down when the time came, especially after declaring it so openly like those who would did the same to her.

Taken aback, Yang thought about what wrong, "Okay, Maybe I was a bit too forward. I mean, sure, I don't even know if he likes me back, and I sorta just threw myself with no regards..."

Realizing, Yang's face filled pink with embarrassment, "Oh Gods, I pulled a Jaune!" 

Qrow noticed her flushed face, and mistook it from being shot down, and so he shot up, "Is my niece not good enough for you, Arc? You think you're hot shit?!"

Jaune shot out of his chair to distance himself from the irate crow, "N-No! Nothing like that, if anything, I think I'm not good enough! It's just uh.."

"Will you sit down, you drunk. You were just muttering about assaulting him a moment ago. As well as challenged your niece on her decision to date him, just now in fact." Winter reprimanded, as she pulled him back down into his seat.

I'll take over from here.
All eyes were turned to their host.

"Did you just say 'ahem'?"
Jaune's family has an arranged marriage already lined up for him and another.

"WHAT?!" (This is gonna be a habit with you folks, isn't it?)

I won't say who he's soon to be engaged with, but the Jaune in the viewings are the roughly same person, so it'll show you who eventually.

"Jaune, did you know about this?" Pyrrha asked.
"Kind of?"
"Define 'Kind of'!" Yang grabbed him by the collar.
"I only knew I was going to be engaged to someone next year. My parents never told me her name, only that she was extremely beautiful and attending Beacon to become a Huntress," he replied in fear.

"That doesn't help at all, have you seen Beacon's students? Everybody is beautiful!" Nora said.
Her sudden appearance between the two caused Yang to release Jaune, and he fell back into his seat.
"Why do you care, Don't you have Ren?" Blake asked.
"Not Together-Together, and because I made bets!" 

"Could it be Weiss? He fell for her the moment he saw her, that means she was beautiful to him," Ruby pointed out.
"No, Father would never have allowed it. There would be so many requirements that he would demand for my hand, that the Dolt would never be able to afford it."
Jaune tried to cut in, but a glare from Weiss (and Winter from the corner of his eye) shut him down.

Blake asked, "Wouldn't our parents tell us if we had an arranged marriage?"
Your parents weren't going to mention your arranged marriage until your 18th birthday, so roughly this year, because they wanted to share photos of your surprised faces. Jaune's parents intended to do the same with him, before his mother spilled the metaphorical beans over some wine.

Thus the discussion began again.

"Can't be me or Ruby, Dad would sooner kill, then marry us off."
"It's 'Ruby or I', and don't you mean 'he would sooner die'?"
"I know what I said."

Blake & Pyrrha sat straight in the seats, digesting their host's words, similar but opposite  thoughts ran through their heads:
Blake felt mortified, "Oh Gods, it might be me! Mom kept going on about when I'd give her grandkids, this is definitely something she would doCurse you, Mother!"
As for Pyrrha, "Oh my, it might be me! Mom kept going on about when I'd give her grandkids, I didn't expect she'd go this far. Thank you, Mother!"

Weiss huffed, "Well it can't be me. He could never afford me."
"Wow Weiss, Don't sell yourself short there," Nora said sarcastically. Yang, "Ha! Double Pun!"
"Excuse me?!"

Ironwood watches as a fight begins to brew, "Should we stop them?"
They'd end up 'discussing' throughout the viewings, might as well let them have fun.
Goodwitch raised a brow, "They're talking about marriage like they're playing Hot Potato. That's suppose to be fun?" 
For me at least.

Alright, so this is probably going to go on for a while, so lets move on to a different world instead. Something to distract from this whole "Who's Jaune going to marry, I hope it's not me." debate.

Pyrrha wished the opposite.

Team RWBY flinched. 

Nora was being talked to by Ren in regards to making bets on friends.

Ruby place a hand on his arm, "Hey Jaune, you know they didn't mean it like tha-"
"Ruby it's fine. Really. I just wanna see what the next viewing is gonna be about."

Let's move on. 


4/21: Deleted

Came back after a few days to realize some of the stuff I wrote served no purpose.
Went from a 1.5k chapter to 900-ish words. 

Here's the ones that I can write, right now, and be ready for scheduled release:
Romance Arc "Trilogy" - Yang(Done), [Secret] (2 songs), [Secret] (3-4songs) - On Hold
Jaune Huntsman - 2 Songs (future 3rd)

James Ironwood, Cavalryman - 3 songs
Jaune Goes To War - Oneshot
Jaune Goes To War(Alt) - Oneshot
The "Opera" one - Oneshot
The Opera one - ??? Songs
Oz + Good Idea = Bad - Oneshot
Ozpin, The Good Ol' Days - Oneshot
Ren & The Derby Queen - Oneshot

Stop Chasing Weiss - Oneshot

lot of oneshots, I'll have to look for some more songs I can string together, after I'm halfway done with these.


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