Crimson Streets - Trailer Three (Dark Aria)

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The time has come

As the trailer begins, we can see flickering neon lights above an alleyway as a scarred mixed breed loads their sniper rifle before stepping into view.

To pack away all the joys

As Rocky steps forward, we can hear him speak.

"I won't run anymore. If I have to, I'll pursue my vengeance to the end, even if it kills me. I owe it to my family, to their memory, to make those responsible pay for what they've done."

You don't wanna hear my apology

"Rocky's a fucking monster! He'll stop at nothing to bury it all, his past, and his enemies! Underestimate him, and you'll be the next one to die."

Get it off my chest

As this is heard, blood sprays against a dumpster as multiple cartel members collapse, sprawling out in the alleyway as they bleed out before Rocky is seen stepping away.

I would do my best

"They did this!" Rocky spat, his voice laced with venom. "They took everything from us! I'll kill every single one of them!"

I know what you fear

Rocky stood at the edge of the cliff, his heart heavy with the weight of his past. The memories of Livoughroux had resurfaced with a vengeance, tormenting him, and he felt like he was being pulled back into that abyss. It seemed like there was no escape from the darkness that had haunted him for so long.

Similarities we possess

Without a moment's hesitation, he took a step forward, plunging into the chilling embrace of the ocean below. The water closed in around him, swallowing him whole, and for a fleeting moment, he felt the icy hold of despair tightening its grip.

Never will I pass the test

"Zuma. We won't let Rocky die, we may not understand what's going on with him, maybe we never will. But he's our friend. And as a member of the Paw Patrol you should know that we will never leave one of our own behind. We're heading to Livoughroux."

The scene is fading

"No, Dad, I can't leave you here!"

"You have to. Fighting and dying now won't bring me... or anyone else back. But you—you can make these bastards pay. Promise me, Rocky. Don't let... our deaths be in vain."

Can my soul be put to rest?

"There's an annoying pain in my head, the agony of things left unsaid... of past regrets... But it's far too late to turn back now."

Death is gonna come for me

We see Rocky standing alone in a dimly lit alleyway, the shadows dancing across his scarred face as he stares into the distance. His expression is grim, his eyes haunted by the specter of death that looms over him.

Be the change I couldn't be

Rocky's voice echoes in the darkness as he reflects on his past mistakes and the choices that have led him to this moment. He is tormented by the thought of the lives he couldn't save, the change he couldn't bring about, and the darkness that continues to consume him.

Can you find a life that's like fairy tales?

Despite the darkness that surrounds him, Rocky still holds onto a glimmer of hope, a longing for a life free from tragedy and pain. He yearns for the innocence of childhood, for the simplicity of fairy tales where good triumphs over evil and justice prevails. But that isn't the kind of world that he lives in, and he knows that.

So for as long as he lives, he will fight. Fight for vengeance against the enemies that have made his life a living hell, no matter what it takes.

Far from this tragedy

But reality is far from the fairy tales of Rocky's dreams. He is trapped in a world of violence and despair, where tragedy lurks around every corner and darkness threatens to consume him.

Sad you had to wait for me

In the quiet of his room, Rocky's voice broke through the stillness, a whisper laced with desperation. "Why won't you leave me be?" He shook his head as if trying to dispel the phantom images. "It's been years, damn it."

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