Chapter 2- Jade Winglet

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He smiled awkwardly at her, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah.. I can't. I don't even know how to read."

"That's alright, I'm sure they'll teach you here, and if you ever need help I can help you."

North mumbled, "But how would I read it if I can't touch it?" He looks down at his talons.

"Then I'll hold it for you, it's okay, I'll help you North." Azure said cheerfully.

North looked up at her yellow eyes, her scales gleaming in the sunlight that poured through the open front doors of the school.

Suddenly, he feels something crash into him from behind, he tumbles forwards a little bit and then turns around quickly to see a Leafwing on the ground beside him, with a frozen, shattered pot on the floor in front of them.

North breathes a sigh of relief as the Leafwing had not touched him, only the pot. The Leafwing was small, had a deep blueish green scales with hints of a lighter blue color. They looked up at North, with a horrified look.

North picked up the shattered, frozen pot in his talons. The small flower that was once in the pot along with a sapling tree, was perfectly preserved in a chunk of ice. He tried to collect all of the shattered ice off the floor as the Leafwing quickly got up on their talons.

"'re a monster!" They yelled, as they ran away, disappearing into the crowd.

All eyes were on North, everyone was looking at him, he could feel his chest start to tighten up. He stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. Then, a dragon up on the ledge walked forward, she was tall Sandwing with a little off color scales, a descendent of Sunny.

"Ahem.. everyone pay attention! Look up here! Everyone is here correct?" The crowd was silent. "Alright good, I'd like to thank you all for choosing to be here and learn with us at Jade Mountain! You'll learn all sorts of stuff here as well as..." The dragon trailed off.

    North turned to Azure as the dragon on the ledge kept talking, Azure was watching the dragon very closely, taking in everything they were saying, and writing it down in her small notebook she had in the satchel that lay neatly around her neck.

     "Alright dragonets.. now I will announce the winglets! You will also have an assigned teacher to each winglet for attendance check and to keep watch over your winglet." The dragon cleared their throat as they took a paper out of one of the dragons talons standing next to them. They held the paper close to their face and continued.

"Alright, the first winglet is the Gold winglet, the gold winglet has 9 members,

Sandwing: Viper
Seawing: Pearl
Leafwing: Aspen
Hivewing: Honeycomb
Icewing/skywing: Altitude
Mudwing: Boulder
Silkwing: Atticus
Nightwing: Dream-Seeker
Rainwing: Quoll

Teacher: Mudwing: Gator

And In the Silver Winglet we have 7 dragons;

Silkwing: Tasar
Sandwing/hivewing: Beetle
Seawing: Hurricane
Rainwing/skywing: Eagle
Leafwing/Icewing: Tundra
Mudwing: Frog
Nightwing: Shadow-Speeker

Teacher: Nightwing: Moon-Gazer

And in the copper winglet we have 10 dragons

Sandwing: Sandstorm
Seawing: Kelp
Icewing: Snowflake
Mudwing: Plateau
Nightwing: Night-Chaser
Skywing: Peregrine
Leafwing: Cedar
Rainwing: Lemur
Silkwing: Yellowtail
Hivewing: Owlfly

Teacher: Icewing: Narwal

And in the Jade winglet we have 9 dragons;

Sea/silk: Azure
Icewing: North
Nightwing: Vethril
Rainwing: princess Lilypad
Sandwing: Scorpian
Skywing: SwiftBurst
Hivewing: Honeydew
Leafwing: Ivy
Mudwing: Buffalo

Teacher: Sandwing: Acacia

"And finally," the dragon continued, " the Quartz winglet"

Icewing/Sandwing: Diamond-Back
Skywing: Equinox
Hivewing: Firefly
Leafwing/Nightwing: Clover
Silkwing: lonomina
Mudwing: Sienna
Rainwing/Seawing: WaterLily

Silkwing: Violet

And that concludes our Students Winglets and their teachers assigned to the winglets. Now can the teachers of each winglet come fourth?"

    North heard talon steps coming from behind the speaker dragon, a Sandwing, Nightwing, Icewing, Silkwing, and Mudwing slowly appeared behind them.

  "Alright, first up is the gold winglet teacher, Gator, please step forward." Said the speaker dragon.

     A giant Mudwing came forward, standing next to the speaker dragon. He was tall and big, most likely a bigwings. He had a scar across his left eye and upper lip. His scales were a deep grey-ish brown, with his underbelly being a light tan, the middle being a maroon. His dark brown eyes scowled at the whole room and the dragonets below.

    "Alright Gold Winglet, follow Mr. Gator here and he'll show you to your rooms." Gator walked off the stage as a group of dragonets followed him out of the room.

   "Alright, next is the Silver Winglet.." The speaker dragon trailed off.

   Azure turned towards North with an excited look on her face.

   Azure whispered, " North! We're in the same winglet, I'm so happy to at least have someone I know in my winglet." North smiled at her.

  "Yes I agree, I am so happy! I can't wait to meet the rest of our winglet, I hope they're nice." North exclaimed.

   "I'm sure everything will be just fine North. I wonder who my wingmate will be?" Azure said quietly, going into thought.

  "Ahem, now the last one, Jade winglet." Said the speaker dragon, North and Azure turned towards the front, a Tall, but skinny, Sandwing stands before them, looking down on them from the ledge of the stage. North gulped, getting a little anxious. The Sandwing had a brown leather pouch around her waist, and round silver glasses. Her scales were a light tan with her underbelly being white, her frill and wings were a pinkish and had a few pink scales.

"Now, follow her Jade winglet.." said the speaker dragon. Acacia walked off the stage, North, Azure and a few other dragons behind him, followed Acacia into the next room.

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