Chapter 2- Jade Winglet

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     North's head raised up at the sight of the mountain in the far distance, peaking through the horizon just barely, but enough to see. His eyes gleaming at the sight, he felt a rush of excitement wash over him, this was his chance, his chance to make new friends, to start a new life! His mouth curved at the sides, turning into a big smile.

He turned to Azure, "Look! It's right there! We're so close!" North shouted with excitement, pointing over to Jade Mountain. He watched her eyes beam with wonder as she gazed upon Jade Mountain.

"Wow, I can't believe we're here!" She turned to North with a giant smile on her face, "Come on, I'll race you there!" She shouted as she dashed past North, leaving a gust of wind to greet his face. He laughed and dashed right after her.

Jade Mountain slowly closed in, Azure was in the lead as she had a head start, right before her talons touched the ground of the entrance, she tumbled into an unsuspecting Nightwing that had just landed in her path. North lands next to the two tumbling onto the ground, his talons feeling the coldness of the stone floor beneath him. A wave on anxiousness overcame him as the entrance of the school loomed over him, standing tall. He turns to Azure who gets up off the ground as the Nightwing gives her a scowled look. She apologizes to him, and he forgives her.

"She's hilarious, I wonder who will be in my winglet? Maybe it will be her, I hope so." North thought.

Azure walks her way over to him, " I feel so bad, I didn't see that guy coming! He seems to have forgiven me though, so that's good."

North smiles at her, "Yeah I suppose, let's head inside, i'm so excited to see who's in our winglets!"

"I hope you're in my winglet, I don't know any other dragons.." Azure mumbled.

North turns to her, "Well even if you're not, maybe we can ask them to change it?"

She looks up at him, "yeah you're right maybe we can, but let's go!" She said, walking in front of him, walking through the open front doors of Jade Mountain.

North took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he stepped his talons through the front doors. The first thing inside the school was the common area, all of the dragons attending the school were crowded in the room, while up on the ledge were some bigger dragons that had tons of papers.

They're probably the ones going to announce the winglets. He thought. North looked around the room, taking in all of the faces and features of all of the different dragons around him, there was a Sandwing next to a skywing messing around with a small Seawing, dangling the seawings necklace above his head, and on the other side of the room was an Icewing talking to what looks like a hybrid silkwing nightwing. There were so many different dragons here! So many new friends and things to learn. He turned to his right to look at Azure but she wasn't there.

    Where did she run off to? North looked up in front of the crowd by the ledge, she was looking up at the ledge to the teacher dragons that were up there.

     What in the world is she doing? I better go over before she does something stupid again.

    North flies over the crowd, carful not to touch anything or anyone. The crowd of dragons shiver below him as a cold gust of wind from his scales blew onto them. He lands right next to Azure and she greets him with a smile.

   "Hey! Are you excited for this? I heard they had a library, a huge one in fact!" She said excitedly.

    North giggled at her and smiled back. "You like your scrolls huh?" He replied.

   She nods at him, "Yes! That's all I really did back home, I'd love to learn about new dragons!" Her face dropped as she realized, "oh wait, you can't read scrolls can you?"

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