simple introduction

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Democracy has failed the third world with everything falling apart from bad economic decisions, low export and high import, western backed rebellions and corrupt regimes.
Capitalism tried to spread itself upon the third world as far as to conduct assassinations against politicians with different beliefs. Bribing the people in power to let them do as they please. And if the assassination and bribery doesn't work, they stage a nation wide civil wars and coups. For example we see that Libya before the death of Mouamar Al Qaddafi, the nation lived in prosperity and was considered one of the safest places to live at the time. But because he didn't want to be a Marriott to the west and revoked the dollar and tried to make a gold backed Libyan currency and centralised the banking system he had a death wish from the CIA.
Now to capitalism mirror. Communism, unlike it's western counterpart prioritise hard workers over good thinkers. And unlike the west who wanted to focus on economy, the east wanted to prioritised industrial growth with a very tight budget.
And many countries including north African ones had to go through a communist or socialist phase. Which lead to corrupt politics, bad government decisions, the drop of the stock values and low wages to the working class, mass famines and brutal civil wars.
To say that both ideologies had a big toll on the third world is an understatement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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