"Sunshine, the coppers aren't as good as you may think." Alastor said, using that weird nickname again. His harms crossed over his chest, but his posture remained straight. "The bar will be taken care of, I assure you. I've handled it all."

"Then how did you handle everything?" she questioned further, trying to understand. 

Alastor glared slightly, growing slightly impatient with all the questions she was asking. "as far as the public is concerned, Mimzy passed away in her sleep. I had some colleges handle her... body... in order to keep it from the public eye." 

The girl paused; she opened her mouth to speak again before Alastor pressed his finger to her lips. She froze, he smiled. 

"I believe that's enough questions, Sunshine. Get some rest." He said, but he didn't move his finger until she nodded her head slowly. He smiled, pulling his finger away. Adjusting how he sat in his chair; he grabbed a book from her nightstand. Reading it silently, allowing the room to fall into complete silence. 

(Y/N) sighed softly, before laying back down. Her body ached and she hissed, Alastor glanced up from his book at this sound. Watching as she settled back into the bed, her hand still playing with the boy's hair. Anthoy was still fast asleep, which was shocking. She glanced down at the boy; his hair was softer than she would have expected. Which brought a smile to her face, having Anthoy around reminded her of her younger brother. She hoped her brother will be well mannered like Anthoy, without all the gang involvement... 

As couple minutes passed, the sound of Alastor turning the pages to his book and the soft snores from Anthoy were the only things that filled the room. 

"Alastor?" She spoke up, he looked up from is book. Her back was facing him. 

"Yes dear?"

She fell silent as she thought about what she wanted to say. She was filled with so much uncertainty and it felt wrong to still grieve Mimzy when Alastor seemed perfectly fine. Afterall, he knew her longer. 

She turned, her body shifting to face him. Her head still laid on the pillow, as her hand came out. A silent gesture, she was looking for comfort. Alastor paused a moment; he hated touching others. Yet with her, his body still screamed at him, but it felt nice. He sighed, "Just this once." 

He pulled his chair closer, allowing her to lace her fingers with his. However, what he wasn't expecting was her to pull his hand to her face. His eyes widen slightly, her hair falling to hide her face. Then he felt it, tears. 

She was crying.

His smile fell into a thin line. He hated seeing her cry, he promised to prevent it. Yet he failed. 

He squeezed her hand, not saying another word as he allowed her to grieve. He was going to leave the gang alone, but he could no longer do that. He will still try to keep her from crying, but if he failed again. He wanted to ensure those who upset her, couldn't do it again. 

Eventually, an hour passed, and she awoke again. This time she was alone, she glanced at the chair and her hand. Alastor's momentary warmth still lingered. She smiled, rubbing her eyes. She lifted up her blanket and then threw her legs over the edge of her bed.

"Anthoy, Alastor?" She called out, standing up. A white gown reaching her knees. She looked down at it, realizing this wasn't what she was wearing before. Then she slammed her forehead with her palm.

Of course not, her other outfit was ruined. Covered in blood and torn, so of course they had to help change her. 

She shook her head, ignoring the growing embarrassment at the thought of someone else changing her. She slipped on some slippers and then walked out her room, the bar was deathly silent. A reminder that Mimzy was no longer with them. She frowned. 

The events that took place would probably haunt her, along with the names of those who took Mimzy's life. James, Bill... She felt her fists ball up at it. Now that Mimzy's was gone, finding a way to get rid of that gang shouldn't affect the timeline at all. She just needed to learn more about combat or even self-defense. Which Alastor or Anthoy could help her with, she just needed to find them first. 

"Anthoy? Alastor?" She called again but was met with silence. Which made her feel even more uneasy. Her plans pausing as she realized that she was probably alone in this bar. 

Did they step out or did the gang come back for them? 

She stopped in the middle of the bar, looking around. She rubbed her arm awkwardly; she wasn't sure where to look and didn't like being alone currently. 

"Ah. You weren't up for too long, were you?" Alastor's voice sounded, as he entered the bar with a few bags. Anthoy held the door open for him, then rushed over to hug (Y/N) as soon as Alastor no longer needed his assistance. Alastor made his way to the small kitchen attached to the bar. 

"No... I just woke up." She said, feeling relieved. She returned Anthoy's hug. 

This was the endless support her father would always provide for her. It was comforting. 

"Are you cooking?" She asked, rubbing Anthoy's back until the boy let her go. 

"Yeah, Smiles claims he can cook, and I told em he'd burn it." Anthoy said, putting a hand on his hip as he smiled. 

Alastor glared at him, "You are a brat."

"Old man." 

"Chuckle Head." Alastor replied back and that's when (Y/N) joined in.

"Okay, that's enough. Why don't we help Alastor?" She suggested to Anthony.

"Sunshine I truly-" Alastor paused as he saw the glare she sent his way when he was going to suggest he was fine cooking on his own. "Apologizes." He said, returning to setting down the bags. 

"Fine." Anthoy mumbled; she clapped her hands together. Then grabbed the boys hand pulling him along until they were beside Alastor in the small kitchen. She walked to grab aprons, giving one to Anthoy and Alastor. She helped Anthoy fix his to his smaller frame and then fixed her own around her waist. 

"Alright what's first?" She asked Alastor, listening to his details about chopping up certain ingredients. She Immediately recognized what he was making, Jambalaya. She laughed at that, which stopped her from chopping up what was needed. 

Alastor raised a brow, Anthoy tried to understand what exactly had her laughing. 

It was so simple, cooking together. Alastor avoided telling them everything it needed. Afterall it was his mother's recipe, and he didn't give the recipe to just anyone.

A small amount of comfort that distracted her from everything that had happened. She wouldn't trade it for the world. So, she promised to live the rest of her time here in honor of Mimzy and to try to keep the bar running for her as well. After all, she had four years to honor her.

(A small warm chapter, I apologize about the delay in posting. I have finals coming up and I've become a little busier than usual. So, if the chapters don't post at their usual time, don't worry! I will still get them out one Tuesdays and Thursdays, anyways... I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all again in the next one! Thank you so much to those who have gotten this far and left me comments to read, it always makes my day! - Smalls)

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