Don't know if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under

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A/N: I needed a little break from this story but I am back to writing. Any comments for storylines or moments you would like to see with Attie would be much appreciated.


The morning after T.K.'s talk with the officer on Carlos' case, Captain Vega saw T.K lying down on the 126's couch with his head leaning on Attie's, Paw Patrol backpack.

"Hey, T.K, how are you feeling? And where's Attie?" Captain Vega looks around the station's living room for the little boy who still had trouble running with his injured leg and arm in a cast.

"Ask Mateo. Shit. I need to see Carlos and talk to him in private about something. What time is it?" T.K rubs his eyes and places the little boy's backpack where it was before on the couch.

Seconds later, Mateo comes out of the Men's locker rooms and bathrooms holding onto Attie who is cuddled into his uniform jacket.

T.K turns away from Captain Vega and immediately sees the crying boy clutching onto Mateo's uniform like his life depended on it.

"Mateo, what happened while you guys were playing hide and seek? Please don't tell me he got injured again. His leg is slowly healing from the you know what." T.K whispers about the fire and takes Attie from Mateo's arms.

It's difficult for the boy to trust new people so it's a surprise to T.K that Attie is comfortable with Mateo babysitting him while he rests.

T.K.'s mind is still on the topic of Carlos' case however he knows that his job as a parent is to be there for his child and put them first. Carlos can take care of himself for a few hours and he has nurses to look after him.

"I was looking for him everywhere and found him in the locker room a few minutes ago. He had an accident. I'm so sorry, T.K I shouldn't have played hide and seek with him. It's all my fault. I know you are going through a lot. I changed him though, I guess he trusts me since I was on the scene. Gosh, I am such a bad babysitter," Mateo rambles accidentally mentioning the fire the boy was in causing Attie to cuddle into T.Ks shoulder more to hide.

TK previously made a small locker storage space for Attie since he knew that his second home would be the fire station. It came in handy that his toys and clothes were in that little closet space.

"Captain Vega, can you please talk to Mateo? I'll take care of this little one." T.K notices that the little boy has closed his eyes in embarrassment and fear of his new guardian being upset about him having accidents.

"Yes, of course, T.K. Take all the time you need. You're off shift anyway for the next week. I know you love coming to the station, this little one seems like he needs a playroom though," She says as Attie starts crying again holding out his broken arm so his cast doesn't move.

T.K sits back down on the couch in the station's living room and sets Attie down beside him since he is getting heavy.

Attie is silently crying and hiding his face in his hands. His brain still believes that Carlos and his new father are mad at him for having an accident at the station that was squeaky clean thanks to the new probie.

T.K can't stop thinking about his mother while he holds back his tears in front of his son.

He needs a motherly figure right now and wishes he could talk to his mom since his dad is working.

"'teo is mad at me," Attie says quietly while holding onto a pillow for comfort and his broken arm which is wrapped up well so he doesn't injure it even more.

T.K squeezes the boy's good arm, then reaches towards the table in the living room for a box of tissues.

"Mateo isn't mad at you. He feels guilty for leaving you out of his sight. Accidents happen and you are still learning, At. Do you want to talk to him and thank him for changing and playing with you?" T.K says since he's not in the state of mind to handle another tantrum or accident.

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