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Rennes pov
'Hey' i say to the pretty curly haired woman dressed in jean and a tank top

'Hey' she says gesturing for me to come sit opposite her on the small 2 seater table

As i walk over to her I smile and she says 'I ordered you a vanilla iced latte hope that's okay'

'Perfect thanks' i say as i sit down

Before i could say anything else the 2 drinks came

a man handed us the drink 'thanks' we both says before he nods and walks away

'Am sor-' i begin before being cut off

'No am sorry' she insists 'I didn't mean to run off, i just knew with you and Alyssa just 'broke up' and i heard that you to were back together and I didn't want to mess thing up for you so am sorry' towa says

'Wowwww me and Alyssa are NOT back together and we never will be so please dont be sorry' i say

Towa looks confused then says 'so you don't hate me????' She says chuckling nervously

I start laughing 'no definitively not, I thought you was the one who hated me'. I chuckle

'No I definitely don't' she laughs

'Okay good' i say still laughing.

'So anyway do you want to order some food?' Towa says

'Yeah sure' i say

Before i look at the menu i grab my phone out of my pocket and type a message to the group chat with Olivia,Tate and. Sabrina

The hottest girls💌🪩

Panic over ,it was a false alarm I'll explain when am home

Okay good see you soonnn

Great see you soonnn!

Bitch be quick i wanna knowww




Are food had arrived but it had took a while so we had just been talking

Just as we were about to finish i say 'hey do you wanna come over to mine for a bit?'

'Yeahhh sure' towa says as her face lights up.

We finish up are food pay the bill then leave

We jump in my car and i drive us to my apartment

After  awhile we arrive at my apartment

'So what do you wanna do? Do you wanna watch something?' I say walking into my apartment

'Yeah sure' towa say's placing her stuff down.

'Okay what do you wanna watch' i say grabbing a blanket and. Throwing it on the couch sitting down next to it and gesturing for towa to come sit.

'Errrm young sheldon? Do you like that??' Towa say sitting down

'Yeah sure' i say as i start to put it on the tv.

After a episode or two towa goes to lie down and cuddle in to me but looks up for reassurance and i nod lightly so she cuddles up into slightly.


A few hours latter

I guess after a couple of episodes me must of fell asleep because it was now 8pm and dark out

'Oh god, we must of been asleep for hours' towa laugh

'Yeah I guess' I laugh 'okay well do you want me to drive you home?or if you want you can stay here and i could drive you home to get you're stuff for tour in the morning? I have a spare room if you would want to sleep in there too' i say

'I guess it would be easier to just stay here if that okay with you?' Towa says

'Yeah of course your always welcome, well if you're staying am gonna go make food, you like pasta??' I say heading towards the kitchen

'Yeah love it' she chuckles


We make and eat food then we both shower so its now around 10:30

'Okay well it's pretty late an we leave for tour at 12pm so we should probably go to bed' i say

'Yeah am Pretty tired anyway' she says.

'Okay well do you wanna sleep in my room with me or the guest room??' I say secretly hoping for her to say my room

'Errrmmm could i- erm stay in your room maybe, well only if th-' towa mutters clearly nervous before i cut her off

'Towa you wouldn't be... nervous would you' I chuckle.

'Whattt me neverrr' she laughs

'Anyway of course you can Stay in my room' i say

'Thanks' she says.

'Do you need some pyjamas???' I say

'Yeah please if you dont mind' towa says

'Of course' i say passing her a over sized tee and shorts.

'Thanks' towa says

We both settled down in bed and towa cuddles into me

'Goodnight' towa says

'Goodnight baby' i say


Heyy hope you enjoyed!!!

Pls vote\like if you you want to see them on tourrr


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⏰ Última atualização: May 13 ⏰

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