- acceptance

69 1 0

10/15/20 | 10:25
narrator's pov

ravi had spent the night at pips. since he was in town she told him she'd go on and finish her classes then they would hang out.

pip was working hard, extra hard. she had a test today; and wanted to impress ravi.

on the other hand, ravi was worrying about the acceptance letter. he'd been praying all morning.

finally at around 10:45am, the email came. ravi had been sitting at his email inbox just waiting for this to finally come.

"thank you mr. ravi singh for requesting a trade to our college. we read your letter and your essay was absolutely wonderful, i loved the detail and description of it. thanks to further instruction; we've decided to accept your transfer. wel send a pmg of your schedule, thank you!"

the email read, his heart was pounding as he re-read it. he checked his schedule realizing he'd be starting tomorrow.

he quickly unlocked his phone. before texting pip.

ravi: i got accepted!! starting tomorrow!!

sarge🤍🫶🏼: no way! i'm so happy i'm filing for us to form asap, right after this class, i only have 20 minutes to go. anyways i have to dip (we're testing.) i love u bye!!

he smiled before powering off his phone.

pip smiled, then quickly hiding her phone.

finally after finishing testing the professor told everyone their quizzes would be in shortly.

in other words would be dont— in a week, two weeks a month at most.

of course her professor went in alphabetical order, she was pippa fitz-amobi. the next person in line was a girl with the last name wiz-something, she was second to last.

she walked home to her dorm, walking up the slow steps. the reach her dorm.

she looked around noticing something was off, something was missing.


A/N: sorry it was so short. i'm so stressed ahhh. love y'all. dunno if i can keep up with the daily uploads, i have softball every day as well as game this friday (wish me luck lol) anyways bye y'all's

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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