Chapter 38

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A new night had begun, and I was now officially in my work study with Amajiki, Fatgum and Kirishima.

"You know, you two would make a great team!" Uncle pushed Kirishima and I's heads together. "Mr Panda and Red Riot! Now that seriously has a ring to it."

"C'mon Fat, that hurt." I rubbed my head as I swallowed a piece of my apple.

"I'm only kidding Am-! I mean Mr Panda." Fat slipped.

"THEY'RE ESCAPING! THE THIEVES! THE THIEVES ARE ESCAPING!" My ears pricked up, quickly turning around I saw a bunch of thieves running away from the scene.

"Our turn boys!" Fat sprung into action. He managed to capture three of the criminals, however two escaped from his grasp. "Suneater! The one coming your way has a similar quirk to Edge! Mr Panda! You've got one coming your way too!"

"On it Fat!" I held a fighting stance. The criminal charged an attack ready to hit me.

I was able to predict his movements, but he was quick for sure. Within seconds I felt a blazing heat come my way. I found the nearest manhole cover and upturned it. With it in my hand I walked around the criminal as he shot out a blaze, comparable to Dabi or Endeavour.

"We've got an arsonist!" I shouted.

"Good observation furball." The criminal laughed, manically.

"For the record, I'm not a cat, if you did any research you'd find my quirk is Giant Panda." I threw the cover towards the criminal.

For a second he stumbled, I used my new whip and wrapped it round the villain, throwing him up into the air, in order to not cause any more damage. He used his quirk to propel himself upwards in the air, I tried to keep myself on sturdy ground, but I felt myself slipping.
"I'm not letting you get away!" I shouted, roaring with anger. "Ultimate move! Juggernaut!"

As my muscles grew ferociously, I dug my feet into the ground. With all of my strength I pulled the criminal towards me. When he got close I struck him with a powerful punch, rendering him unconscious.

"PANDA WATCH OUT!" I looked behind me, I saw a bullet of some sort, it merely missed me. I turned beside me and saw that one of the same bullets had hit Tamaki from a different gun, rendering his quirk unactivatable.

"Red Riot! Take the other shooter!" I shouted. I looked at the other shooter, it was a young man, a teenager no older than me. I chased after him but he was quite fast.

I ran for a bit before I stopped, realising that this boy was sitting on the railing of a bridge.

"Everyone! Stay back!" I shouted. I then used my earpiece to communicate with Fat. "Fat, I've got a suicidal teenager. Disengage the sirens on other units."

"Mr Panda, I trust you can deal with this." Fat's breath hitched.

"Yes sir, leave it to me." I spoke.

I then turned to the boy who was sitting on the railing on the bridge.

"Hey, can I come sit with you?" I got the attention of the boy, he said nothing. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk."

"About what? Trying to get me to not jump?" He snapped.

"Not at all!" I started to etch closer. "You seem hungry, want one?"

I held out to him a high-calorie protein bar, and he took it. I smiled. I leant over the railing with him, looking at the reflection of the moon in the river.

"My name is Amao, I'm training to be a Pro hero, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tell you." He threw the wrapper into the water.

"That's ok." I spoke. "You know, I've been in this situation many times before."

"Trying to kill yourself?" The kid spoke.

"Mhm, got the scars to prove it." I rolled down my glove and showed him my scars. "See, I'm one for you to trust."

"How... How did you stop the hurt?" The boy held his head in shame, tears falling down his eyes.

"I haven't, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about what happened." I gently placed my hand on his back.

"It's useless, I'm useless." Hearing those words made me feel awful, knowing that I used to be exactly like that.

"I can say, there will be a time where you will find your tribe, whatever the situation may be. You'll find your people." I looked at the teary boy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the rest of my team, they stood watching.

"Hiroki, that's my name." The boy, Hiroki, sniffled and turned to me.

"Its nice to meet you, Hiroki." I smiled.

"I don't want to do this." He spoke.

"Ok Hiroki, what I want you to do is put your arms over me and your legs around my waist." I said. "Hiroki, who made you do this?"

"I-I can't say, or I'll be killed." He mumbled.

"One name, and I can get you in witness protection so quickly." I spoke softly.

"Hassaikai." He whispered.

I guided Hiroki into that position. When I held him, I whispered him into a deep, pleasurably slumber, before handing him over to the police. I then walked over to my team. Fatgum smiled widely.

"That was incredible Amao!" Kirishima and Fatgum cheered for me.

"Fat, the guy who I saved gave me a name, a name that could possibly link to the smugglers." I stated.

"Go on." Fat cocked his head in my direction.

"Hassaikai, that was the name." Fat covered my mouth quickly.

"Don't say it too loudly." He spoke. "Amao, this evidence is vital, that's all I can tell you. But this just opened many doors."

"How's Amajiki?" I brushed his hand away from my mouth and went straight towards the ambulance.

"He seems to have lost his quirk, it's only temporary though." Fat replied.

"Drug smugglers, recruiting young, vulnerable kids into doing their bidding." I chucked a stone into the river.

"What do you mean Amao?" Kiri asked, inquisitively.

"Big drug dealers will recruit vulnerable kids, with the promise of protection, money for family, or in some cases, access to the drugs." I spoke. "But most times, these kids are exploited, sexually, physically or psychologically. That kid I was with, he was exploited, it made him feel that there was no other way out."

"How were you able to stop him?" Kiri asked another question.

"Coming from experience, if he was going to do it, he'd already be dead in the river." Kiri's eyes widened. "Yup, I could tell he wasn't going to do it. He actively listened to what I was saying."

"You're a great negotiator." Amajiki told me. I kept thinking about the provisional licences and Midoriya and Bakugo's fight.

"I'm not sure." I mumbed, doubting my somewhat heroic actions.

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