Chapter 3: Me and Rome are gonna need to borrow a couple of your boats for a wee

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They race there, showing off what they have both learned away from each other. The whole time Brian has a smile on his face that hurts his cheeks. Brian hasn't smiled like that since his pack, he hasn't felt like this since he was racing with Letty and Dom. That’s why he has been racing more and more. He only feels the smallest place of that when he is racing, fighting, or fucking now. He hasn’t felt this way since the pack.

During this, Brian felt Roman’s and his old bond spark up. He felt it started to come back to life, he felt Roman a little through the bond. Roman’s laughter rumbles through the bond making Brian laugh back. 

Brian feels Roman pride as they step out of the car to the red Ferrari, he takes off his shirt and wraps it around his fist. Brian rolls his eyes as he slams his fist against the glass. Brian pushes him to the side and opens the door. He feels the others' eyes as he gets into the car. He opens the glove box and nothing. He growls as Roman says, “Look in the center, look in the center.”

“What?” Brian asks, looking at Roman who points at the center console. Brian opens it, grabs the packet in it, and gets out of the car. The omega looks at Roman, “Put your shirt back on, you look stupid.”

Roman mumbles at Brian who shoves the packet into his pocket, as he does this, the two alphas from earlier show up with their guns out. Brian growls at Roman who shoves his shirt over his head and out of his face and looks to where Brian is and growls lowly, “Give it to us.”

“Or what?” Roman chuckles, which weirdly relaxes Brian. He likes knowing that Roman is so calm right now. It makes him feel back at home, how they used to be. But that was pulled away as soon as they heard the cops. Roman shoves Brian behind him, pulls out his gun, and shoots at the cops. Brian grabs the alpha by his arm and pulls him to the cars. 

When they make it back to Verone’s, before Roman gets slammed into his car, he growls at Brian who growls back, “You packing?”

“And you aren’t?” Roman snaps back at the omega, who just stares at him. Brian is packing if needed. If he knows that he might not make it back to his pups and that's why the cold metal is on his back freezing the skin around it. Roman shoves him and then nods, “Exactly.”

Roman and Brian make their way back into Verone’s place before getting stopped by the two beta’s. One of them has a bald shaved head, taller than Brian by a bit, he is in nice clothes but looks uncomfortable in them, like he isn't fully used to them yet. He isn't used to well-made clothes, meaning he is now on Verone’s payroll. The other one has short black hair, a little shorter than the bald one, and seems like he is used to wearing these types of clothes. He's been on Verone's team longer than the other, but not by much. The short hair one is the one that asks, “Packet?”

Brian looks to Roman who is looking the two up and down, then looks to Brian, raising an eyebrow. Brian grabs the packet from his back pocket and shows it, he pulls it back as soon as the bald one goes to grab it, “Nah man, I’m giving this to Verone myself.”

The bald one growls at Brian before looking to his partner, “Nosotros no deberíamos”

“El jefe querrá conocerlos de todos modos,” the short haired male looks to Brian, up and down with a sick smile, “Y podría encontrar a la rubia como un dulce regalo.”

Brian growls at the beta, he is used to this, being a male omega. Always being sexualized and not treated like a real man because of his ability to carry kids. He knows that he is here to get his name cleared, but he will not have this disrespect, “Ya tengo un alfa.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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