Arohi's birthday

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(honestly I haven't watched all the episodes of the 3rd generation in yrkkh. I just know thestrory on a surface-level through the promos and shorts. So this is my imagination based on my understanding of the characters in the story. I apologise for any mistakes and will be glad to get suggestions)

(its arohi's bday and abhimanyu has arranged a surprise for her.)

Arohi arrived home late at night from the hospital, feeling a bit down, as she believed no one remembered her birthday. Looking into the mirror, she consoled herself, "It's okay, Arohi. What if no one remembered your birthday? I'm sure Mom and Dad are celebrating it in heaven. Thanks for the wishes, mamma  and papa."

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu was eavesdropping outside the room. He had actually planned a surprise for Arohi but decided to keep it a secret. He brings roohi and launches her into the room for her to excecute their plan.

"Maatashree, come closer to the bed, please," said Roohi as she stood on the bed. "Now, turn the other way," she instructed Arohi, positioning herself behind Arohi. With a playful tone, Roohi added, "Maatashree, you have to carry me to the garden."

"The garden? At this hour? Why, Ruhi?" Arohi questioned.

"Oh hoo, Maatashree, can't you just follow what I say? I lost my toy in the garden while playing. Please help me find it," Roohi patted on her forehead and pleaded to Arohi.

 as they reached the house entrance, Ruhi said" Enough matashree, put me down, from here i'll walk by myself " Arohi felt a pinch of suspicion, but without dwelling on it, she gently lowered Roohi to the ground, allowing her to stand on her own.

Without a moment's delay, Abhimanyu came up behind Arohi and gently closed her eyelids with his palm, guiding her towards the garden. "Abhimanyu, what are you trying to do? Where are you taking me?" Arohi asked, slightly puzzled.

"Shhh! Just follow my lead" Abhimanyu whispered, signaling to Roohi with a wink.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one... Happy birthday, Arohi!" shouted Roohi and Abhimanyu parallelly when Abhimanyu removed his palms from Arohi's eyelids.

It was indeed a surprise for Arohi. No one except them remembered her birthday. Bade Papa and Badi Maa might have remembered, but they had always been angry with her ever since Abhimanyu blamed her for replacing the invitation card during her and akshu's wedding ritual, when Arohi had no clue about it.She had accepted the fact that Abhimanyu loved Akshara and was at the verge of moving on. She remembered Bade Papa's words that he threw out of anger, "You proved to me that blood is blood. It's not surprising to me that you wove a net of lies one after the other. After all, you have the habit of lying and immorality in your blood itself. You still have your Naani's blood in you, and no matter how much I try to keep you away from it, it ends up showing its true colors. Though you are Kartik's daughter, Sirat is your mother! unlike Akshu, whose mother is Naira. Akshu didn't think twice before sacrificing her love because it is in her blood to keep other's happiness before oneself."

Ever since that day, she had spent years apologizing to Bade Papa, putting her ego aside for accusing her. She fell in love with Neil the next year, but no one in her family showed any interest in her marriage. All they said to her was, "Don't ever think about causing problems in Akshu and Abhimanyu's life. Don't think of intervening in their space."

Unlike what was expected, things went quite well in Arohi and Neil's marriage. Neil meant the world to her. He was the one who saw the goodness in her, the innocence behind her seemingly stone-hearted facade. Above all, he showered her with love and made her realize that she was being irrational by victimizing herself. He understood her pain and how its consequences had strained her relationships with Akshu and her entire family. Neil worked to bring Akshu and Arohi closer, fostering a friendship between them. He also helped Arohi see that Akshu wasn't responsible for Sirat Maa's death.

 All four—Abhimanyu, Akshu, Arohi, and Neil—lived happily for the next two years. Arohi excelled in her career and became a junior doctor at Birla Hospital. She became pregnant, eagerly awaiting to share the good news with Neil, unaware of the upcoming storm.

Neil tragically lost his life in a car accident. Arohi was devastated. . "Why did you step back from your promises, Neil? You told me you'd stay with me forever. You said Chipkali and Chamgaadhar would together make our house the best haunting house! Didn't you say that if we ever have a child, he or she would be lucky to have both parents' love, which we missed? You said you'd make the best efforts to be the best father to our child... How could you leave in between? If you think you've gotten rid of me, sorry, you're wrong. I'll keep remembering you every second of my life until I lose my breath. I will never let our child feel your absence; I promise. I'll talk to you in my mind day and night and keep torturing you..." she promised to herself and neil.

For the next three months, Abhimanyu and Akshara witnessed Arohi's pain. Though she put on a smiling face, she shed tears every night looking at Neil's photo in her room. Both Akshara and Abhimanyu helped console her. Abhimanyu bought Arohi her favourite items as ordered by Akshara and joined them for Arohi's regular checkups. Arohi planned to continue her career and raise Neil's name as his wife and a single mother. She was determined to work hard and not confine herself within the four walls of the Birla house, thinking about her life's tragedy.

Seeing Arohi's determination, Abhimanyu felt a deep sense of joy, realizing how much she had changed. They had become friends at Akshu's request, and their bond had gradually grown into a strong friendship. Together with Akshara, they formed a supportive trio, encouraging Arohi to believe in herself and strive for greater heights.

Abhimanyu and Akshara enjoyed a happy married life, with Arohi never intruding on their personal space. Abhimanyu and Akshara's love for each other was evident, and they excelled in playful banter. Abhimanyu often surprised Akshara with thoughtful gestures, and she, in turn, never missed an opportunity to bring a smile to his face.

After a few months, Akshara and Abhimanyu's marriage hit a rough patch, leading to their separation. Akshara moved to Kasauli with Abhir and Abhinav, accepting Abhinav as her partner after falling in love with him over the years. She was determined to keep her happy family of three together.

Over the span of six years, Abhimanyu had raised Roohi as a father figure, even though she knew Neil was her biological father. She affectionately called Abhimanyu "Avi," 

"not avi roohi, its abhi", abhimanyu corrected.

"haan wahi wahi" roohi covered up.

 despite his uncontable number of corrections ever since roohi started speaking, she remained incorrigible. He never lost hope and remained steadfast in his mission to have his nickname pronounced correctly, much like a patient parent.

As they sang "Happy Birthday" together, memories of all the years flashed through Arohi's mind. Suddenly, a blast of foam buster brought her back to present. Looking down, she saw a simple cake on a stool, with "Happy Birthday Chipkali" written on it in a child-like handwriting.Of course, She knew it was from her daughter.

Tears stood at her eye brakes remembering Neil.

"Come on, cut the cake, Arohi," Abhimanyu exclaimed cheerfully.

"Thank you so much." Arohi kissed Roohi on her forehead and hugged her tightly, letting go of all the pain buried in her heart.

"Thanks, Abhimanyu," Arohi said, nodding slightly as she looked towards him.

Abhimanyu always remained Roohi's father, maintaining a strong friendship with Arohi. Arohi's heart belonged to Neil all along. However, Abhimanyu and Arohi managed to stay good friends and co-parents, especially when it came to raising Roohi.


hope u liked it, thankyou!

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