By evening, when Aarush returned, he will explain how his day went and all the cases that he has handled and then have dinner with family before retiring to their room to sleep with a soothing music.

The routine continued for 6 weeks and they went for the next check up.

The doctor was happy seeing her active and healthy than her previous visit and adviced her to continue the same routine and add some walking or she can do that in the hospital once she resumed her work.

While Manik and Nandini were waiting for the young couple to return from the check up, Aarush entered with an angry face while Ritika came behind with a pout.

"What happened...??" Nandini asked and Aarush immediately said "Ask your favourite daughter..."

Nandini rolled her eyes and sat beside Ritika and asked "Kya hua bacha...??"

"Bacha...?? Wow...Seriously...She herself is going to be a mother...But...NO actually you are right...Bachi hi hai yeh..."

Aarush yelled and Manik had to intervene with a stern voice, saying "Aarush...Will you please calm down and tell us what happened...???"

Aarush sighed and said "Doctor said she can work till she enters 7th month...But madam doesn't want to work...and has submitted her maternity leave without even telling me..."

"This is the reason that I didn't tell you...I know you will not agree..." Ritika said.

"So you want Ritika to work...??" Nandini asked and Aarush instantly said "Of course...What will she do by staying home...??"

Nandini and Manik looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as it was exactly reverse in their case. Nandini wanted to work and Manik was against it when she was pregnant. Raj and Nyonika had to convince them in respective ways and finally Manik left the decision to Nandini.

Manik sighed reminiscing their time and understood that just the roles are reversed but emotions are the same and may be the solution too is the same.

He placed his hand on Aarush's shoulder and said "Let her decide Aarush...After all, she is the one carrying a soul inside her..."

Aarush looked at Ritika and Nandini asked "Ritika...Why don't you want to work...??"

"Ma...It's not a normal place...It's a hospital and I'll have to treat different patients...We never know what virus can be transferred from one to other...I just don't want to take a chance...And moreover..." Ritika said and paused for a second before taking a deep breathe and resumed "I can't go back to the place where I have lost a baby already...Not when I'm expecting some happiness after months...Haan I have continued to work after that but not now Ma please..."She said and left to their room while Aarush sighed closing his eyes.

"Do you have a better reason to ask her to work Aaru...??" Nandini asked and he just nodded in a no.

"Then leave this to her...Jao baat karo..." Manik said tapping on his shoulder and Aarush left to his room to sort things out with his wife.

"Kitni jaldi bade ho gaye hum..." Manik remarked making Nandini chuckle.

5 months later,

It was all the same in her pregnancy period, Manik taking her to walk, Nandini helping her with food while the grand parents with their usual stories.

Aarush will be massaging her feet at night and talks to his baby to earn kicks on her bump.

"So have you decided any names...??" Nyonika asked out of nowhere when all the family members were settled and were having fun time on a Sunday.

They looked at Ritika and she smiled saying "Agar beta hua tohhhh..."

"Toh woh kuch nahi...It will be a boy...Malhotra's tradition hai..." Nyonika said with a smile as Raj was a single child and then Manik and then Aarush.

"Haan yaar...Heard that my father and grand father too were single child..." Raj too said.

Ritika smiled and said "So if it's a boy then it will be Ritesh...With both of our names..."

"And what if it's a girl...??" Manik asked and Ritika smiled again saying "Aarti"

"Nice..." The elders applauded while Aarush made a face.

"Oye...Tujhe kya hua...??" Nandini asked and he said "None asked me about my baby's name...!!!"

Ritika giggled and asked "Okay tell us what have you decided...!?? Let's see whose choice is good..."

Aarush smirked and said "I have already decided and my choice will be the best..."

"Reveal toh karo..." Manik asked and he shook his head saying "Nope...It'll be on the day of naming ceremony...And I'm pretty sure that no one will oppose me once you hear the name..."

"Batayiye na Senior...What is it...??" Ritika asked but he just pinched her cheeks and said "Wait karo...Keep waiting all of you..."

2 weeks later,

"Do you have to go...?? No other way...??" Ritika asked when Aarush got ready to leave to attend a complicated surgery.

"Ritu...It's just for few hours...Why are you asking like this...!??" He said cupping her cheeks and she kissed his palms and said "Don't know...Subah se I'm feeling back pain...And I don't feel good as well...Please stay with me..."

"Baby...Please na...It's very important and complicated...I must be there...But before that, let me test your blood pressure...And have you taken your medicines...??" He asked and she nodded while he took the BP machine and checked her and it was normal.

"It's fine...You are just worried for nothing...Your due date is 2 weeks away...Just stay with Mumma until I return...I'll finish this and anyways I have applied leave till your delivery..." He said and kissed on her forehead and she bid bye unwillingly.

3 hours later,

Ritika yelped clutching her stomach when a sudden contraction hit her and Nandini rushed to her only to witness that her water broke.

Everything happened like in seconds, and they stood in front of the doctor who said after checking Ritika "She is in her labour...And we can't go for normal delivery...We have already discussed with Aarush and Ritika earlier...Where is he...??"

"He is in a surgery doctor...He will come in sometime..." Manik answered while Nandini kept trying his number even after dropping the news at his desk.

"We can't wait more Mr.Malhotra...I'll send the forms to sign...We better proceed to the operation..." The doctor said and went inside.

"Aahhh...Ma...Pa...Aar...Aarush...Please...I need him..." Ritika cried holding her stomach in one hand and held their hands in other.

"He will be here bacha...Stay strong...We have passed on the information...He will be here anytime..." Manik assured and when nurse came with the consent form, he looked at Nandini and she gave a nod before he signed on it.

They didn't have any hope of Aarush's arrival as they knew he will be in the middle of surgery and looked at Ritika who was taken care by nurses and prepared for the operation.

Just when Ritika's stretcher was getting inside the OT, she mumbled "Aarush..." and he held her hand, still in his OT clothes and said "I'm here..."

Ignore mistakes...

MaNan SS - Your Senior (Sequel to My Senior) ✅Where stories live. Discover now