"It might be later, we'll see how much she wants to deal with me today." Jamie said, smirking over at me. 

"Well, I'm cheering for you, Jamie. What can I get for you guys today?" She asked. 

"Can I just get my iced coffee please." I said to her, she nodded and looked over at Jamie. 

"What is it I usually get from you?" Jamie asked me. 

"Can he just get the large pressure coffee with 2 sugar." I told her. I could see Tracy smiling to herself. I could practically hear what she was thinking 'if it wasn't a date why would i have his coffee order memorized'? I'm good at my job okay? Jamie did as he said he would and paid for the coffees, Greg soon made then and we said goodbye to my coworkers and left back to my car. 

"They're so nice. You guys all are in there. I think that's one of the reasons that I keep coming back." Jamie said as I turned the car on.

"Oh yeah? What are the other reasons?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"There's this one barista in there, she's drop dead gorgeous, and seems really cool." He said, smiling brightly from the passenger seat. 

"Do you know her name? I might be able to hook you up." I said.

"I think her name's Bella? Do you know her?"

"Uhm, no I don't think I've ever met a Bella, sorry." I said. We both laughed a little bit as I continued driving down the street. 

"So where are we going?" Jamie asked.

"Well, one place I've always wanted to go that I've never had the chance to is to check out the Eastern State Penitentiary. It's the old jail, people say it's haunted." I started. "So we're doing a ghost tour tonight. For now, we're going to the zoo." 

"That doesn't seem much like sight-seeing." Jamie said.

"It does a little bit!" I said, briefly looking over at him before looking back at the road. "Is there somewhere in particular that you want to go?"

"As long as I get to do it with you, doesn't matter to me." He said. I started driving over to the zoo and parked as soon as we got there. 

"So what's your favourite animal?" I asked him, as we walked through the from gates, he paid for our admission which of course made my cheeks heat up one more time. 

"I like lions, they're all tough and brave, they're like me." He said, puffing his chest out and I could see him holding back his laughter a little bit. I let mine out, laughing at how ridiculous it was. 

"No, no, I can totally see it. Who would continue to come to a girls coffee shop and continually ask her out, if they weren't brave?" I asked. 

"I like how you think. I've been told I'm more of a duck." He said, nudging me in the side with his elbow, hoping I would catch on to the joke.

"I get it, I get it. Because you played for the Anaheim Ducks?" 

"I never told you it was the Anaheim Ducks, I just said the Ducks." He said, smiling at me. "You googled it didn't you?"

"I might have googled you. How's your shoulder?" I asked. I searched him up on google last night, just to see what his stats were like, not that I would really know what would be important or not. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with wide eyes. 

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