Chapter 21

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There was no part of Yelena that didn't miss her big sister. But she knew it was for the best that Natasha remained hidden. Everyone who'd heard of her before believed she'd died saving the world. A good portion of her was thinking, just like a kid, "it's not fair, why does she have to go out and be a hero instead of being here for us?" But still, for the sake of freeing so many victims of the Red Room, it eased her conscience knowing why. After all, Yelena could only guess whether or not the kids Natasha helped weren't just like them.

What she herself wouldn't have given to be rescued from that horrible place as a child...

On a more positive note, though, Yelena had enjoyed Central Park from the beginning and kept the multiple maps Kate had given her. Back at her apartment, she hovered over them with a magnifying glass to get a better look at things like what was wide open and what was dense forest. The topographic maps showing things like height above sea level gave her a good idea about hills that would be fun. She remembered passing by a big cluster of boulders back when Kate brought them to the park—boulders that she had to put in her best effort to keep the child from climbing since they were far too big.

When little Lena came over to the table, she asked, "What are you doing?"

"Thinking of where to go next."

"Another adventure?" the child asked eagerly.

"If I can find one... and I think I have. And there won't be so many people, so it'll be a nice picnic too." Most would be either at school or at work during the week so she decided to take Lena out to the wooded areas this time.


Even though Lena's legs were tired, she was still darting her head left and right taking in the North Woods. Yelena had picked a good spot to lay out a picnic blanket and have lunch. The child was fixated on the stream fed by a trickling waterfall emerging from a short hill of rocks. Yelena had to tell her not to jump in since it wasn't allowed, plus the water was freezing. Thankfully the kid was convinced after sticking her hand in and then shuddering "cold-cold-cold" as she yanked it out.

"See?" Yelena laughed quietly. "Here, dry it off on the blanket, then use your armpit. That will warm it up."

After the picnic, they continued walking until Lena asked to be carried. Yelena said yes to that after making sure she could get her pack on over her chest without it falling off. "Ah, of course." She piggy-backed her, which they both seemed to enjoy more and more each minute. Sometimes Yelena would sprint and swerve, leading to the little one spreading her arms out and giggling, "Flying! Like Falcon!"

Yelena didn't know Falcon—Sam Wilson—personally. But she knew of him, especially from the storybooks little Lena was hooked on. Plus, she'd seen on the news how he basically became the new Captain America after Steve Rogers died. She remembered the silvery jet-pack powered wings, white supersuit and the iconic stars-and-stripes shield on his back.

Given how repeatedly the kid would go through the same picture book after the next, Yelena figured maybe one day she would leave her with Kate and surprise her with a longer book.

She continued this piggy-back ride with a very nimble and well-controlled run, savoring Lena's enjoyment. She didn't want it to end purely because of how much they both loved it.



In the apartment bathroom, Yelena sighed while kneeling in front of her niece to check on the scratches on her little face, arms and knees. They were finally back home after an eventful afternoon.

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