Chapter 5

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Yelena was grateful for Kate Bishop staying with her and the child at their apartment for a few more days. For some reason it helped ease some weight from her shoulders knowing her friend was around for backup just in case something new occurred. As far as the ex-Widow knew, there would still be more surprises since this whole thing was new; actually moving to New York to LIVE there, to settle, plus raising the child instead of acting as a contractor or assassin. This was all strange territory.

The young woman sat on the couch with a parenting book while Kate was getting pet supplies. She'd texted a while ago saying she was on her way back with Lucky...

"Auntie Lena! Pew, pew, pew!" the five-year-old giggled, pointing at her with her pretend widow bites... or rather, what she thought those were. Suddenly Yelena gasped, losing her breath and dropping the book next to her. The widow bites lit up the kid's wrists and she could feel herself panicking. They were hers! And, even worse, her niece did not seem to be aware that she had a real weapon on her wrists.

"Where have you found those?" she asked the child, trying not to show how scared she was of that little girl getting hurt.

"In the box you have in your wardrobe." little Lena sighed, the red glow dying down as she lowered her arms.

"And what have I told you about looking there?" she questioned her kind of angrily. However, Yelena was angrier at herself. She should have known better than to put that box in a place the child could reach so easily.

"Not to do it." her niece looked down. She must have thought they were a bigger version of the toy ones, given the resemblance.

Yelena didn't want to appear hostile because she knew it would trigger her niece into lighting them up by accident. But still, she needed to put her foot down when it came to the widow bites. Where was the middle ground here?

"I need you to give me the bracelets, sweetie." she told her, but the kid shook her head. "Lena, please."

"No!" the child yelled at her before running through the apartment. It didn't exactly help when Fanny got wound up too.

"Yelena! Those aren't toys!" She ran after her. "You can get hurt!" But the kid didn't seem to hear her, too caught up in running around getting her aunt to chase her like playing tag. She must have gotten too bored to avoid snooping around.

Kate walked inside the apartment with Lucky on his leash, the five-year-old running right past them. Lucky barked when he saw the kid run and Kate had to tug him back. "Woah! What's going on here?" She asked, locking the door and tethering his leash to the sturdy handle.

"Bishop, out of the way!" Yelena ordered the girl while trying to grab her niece. "She has my widow bites." she explained when the kid ducked behind the couch, looking for a way out, but both women were placed at each side.

"Kiddo, you have to give them to Auntie Lena." Kate tried to talk to the little one who just shook her head. "Lena..."

Yelena signed the archer to stop talking. The little girl was getting upset (since her 'game' took a wrong turn), which had activated the widow bites. She could hear the hum of them powering up, getting ready to go off. Yelena did not want to scare the child, so she tried to remain calm while walking a little bit closer to her.

However, she barely had time to dodge the electric shot, hearing how her niece screamed in fear and fell on her back from the jolt. When the blast flew and hit the tin waste basket, little Lena noticed and stared at it mouth agape. It looked like a red sizzling bolt enveloping the metal for a few seconds.

The kid gasped and stared as the waste basket fell over. The electroshock blast just went away gradually. "What...?"

"It's okay. Try to calm down." Yelena crouched in front of the kid.

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