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[MePhone 4 and Laotian arrive near St. Michael's Mount]

MePhone 4: Ugh, wrong place yet again! Where are we?

Laotian: We're in Cornwall, the sunniest place in the UK, and look, there's St. Michael's Mount!

Fries: Actually it's called St. Lewis's Mount now.

[cuts to a sign reading "St Lewis's Mount"]

Fries: I still don't know how he managed to pull it off.

Laotian: Can we go somewhere to eat? There's lots of pasty shops around here!

Fries: Cornish Pasty is still in Newcastle, I don't know why he hasn't come back here.

MePhone 4: Just let me keep trying! [goes back through the portal with Laotian for the 8th time]

MePhone 4 and Laotian travel the UKWhere stories live. Discover now