Chapter 2

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"Broth is ready," her sisters high-pitched voice rang through the hallways of their wooden cabin.

Morgana stepped through the dark foyer, lit with candles and bedecked in patterns of deepest gold swirled on the tapestries rimming the entrance to the kitchen.

A small fire lit in the corner of the rook was burning deepest orange, turning pink meat richest brown.

She smiled. Eoghan was beside her sister, striking her hair behind her head as they read a small book. She realised they were reading it to their child.

She had no doubt that the little child in her sisters stomach would be loved so much,both Morgana and her sister would forget about the hatred that lay in their own  childhood.

Smiling into her bowl of deer soup, she watched as Eoghan swathed her sister Maureen in a thick sheep's wool throw.

Despite it all, Morgana was a small bit jealous. She would never be loved as much as Maureen was by Eoghan.

It was true she was a hard person to love, so was her sister, but Eoghan loved her so much he didn't give a damn.

He had loved Maureen even when it hurt.

Suddenly unable to look, she flicked her head to the left and chose to stare at the massive tapestry on the wall.

A dark-haired girl with Yellow eyes holding a sleek black knife. Gold bangles encircled her wrists to mid upper arm. The dagger was poised to strike, a look of undiluted hate rested on the girls face.

She felt sorry for whoever the dagger was being thrown at. Not because they were about to die,  but because their last look on this world would be a girl driven to madness, with hatred in her eyes.

Her smile dropped. She wished she didn't have to finish a story that was better left untold.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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