The Invasion

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The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast.

- Revelation 17:12

There are different realms but there is a sense of unity, as if they are all connected by a thread, a thread of darkness. Each realm has its own distinct flavor, its own customs and beliefs, but they all revolve around the same central idea: power, control, and the subjugation of the human race.

It is unknown how the invasion was planned but one day, without warning, the peaceful afternoon was shattered by the rising cases of people going missing. While in Jerusalem during the Yom Kippur, the city was suddenly engulfed by a thick fog similar to that which had covered the ancient city of London during the time of Jack the Ripper. The people who are celebrating and praying immediately panicked as they were separated from their families and loved ones. The fog continued to spread throughout the land, and soon, the city became a living nightmare.

Despite the soldiers' best efforts to keep order, chaos reigned supreme. People screamed in terror as they were separated from their loved ones, while others tried to fight back against the unseen force that seemed to be controlling them. The fog continued to thicken, obscuring everything in its path, making it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of oneself. The once-hallowed halls of the temple now echoed with the cries of the damned, as those who had once prayed for salvation now found themselves at the mercy of an evil far greater than they could ever have imagined.

And soon, multiple cities are attacked. Beijing, the capital of China was shrouded in a thick, opaque haze that blocked out the sun and cast everything in an eerie, blood-red hue. Tokyo in Japan was engulfed in the same haze like Beijing, both North and South Koera suffered from a similar fate. The people of these great cities, once bustling with life and activity, now wander aimlessly through the streets, their minds addled and confused. They try to find safety in numbers, but it seems that the fog is somehow attracted to their very presence.

In Moscow, the weather became bitterly cold, as if the very air had been frozen solid. Some people tried to escape the city, but they found that the fog now surrounded them on all sides, trapping them like animals in a cage. Those who remained behind huddled together for warmth, but the cold seemed to seep into their very souls. The once-proud city was now a place of desperation and despair, as its citizens fought against an enemy they could not see or understand.

In Europe, there's an air of confusion and unease as people try to make sense of the strange events unfolding around them. The fog has spread across the continent, creeping into every city and village, leaving nothing untouched. The citizens of Paris, once known for their romanticism and joie de vivre, now cower in fear, their laughter replaced by sobs and whispers. The Eiffel Tower, once a symbol of hope and progress, now stands as a grim reminder of the power that the unseen forces wield over them.

In South America, they're attacked by two beings. Both are identified as Camazotz and Itzapaplotl, the former is Mayan bat death god and the latter is the Aztec striking skeletal warrior and death goddess and queen of the Tzitzimimeh, the star demons. The attack begins in the dense jungles of the Amazon, where the fog first appears as a choking, red mist that creeps through the treetops. The local tribes, already on the brink of extinction due to deforestation and exploitation, are decimated as they are slaughtered by the unseen forces, followed by multiple loggers who are trying to cut down the forest for profit. The two gods then appear in the center of the largest city in South America, Buenos Aires, standing tall and imposing amidst the chaos. The people of the city are forced to confront their own mortality as they see their loved ones dragged away by the undead legions of the two gods, their screams of terror filling the air.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 22 ⏰

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