"I just saw someone familiar" I answer without looking at him and continued walking.

  "Your highness, it is still danger--"

  "That's why you're here, right?" No one dare say anything.

   It didn't take us that long to see Arthur beating those teenagers. Honestly, I didn't thought he will step that low to beat a kid that didn't even in his level. Such a pity, well can't say anything, right? Since I didn't even know what happen here before we see the current situation.

  He punched the teenager wearing a red coat. Now that I am looking at them properly, they look like a noble, what a shame they are acting like a barbarians. They are all look beaten except Arthur who I am guessing that beat them.

  Wait..... isn't that Elijah? Why are those two with are together, it must be coincidence since there is an important announcement in the plaza. I didn't notice that I'm spacing out, not until Kath cast a ice barrier toward Arthur protecting them from the attack.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Curtis asked, using his authority to get the answer he wanted.

  I saw how their face got paled seeing us in front of them. They mustn't except seeing us here what's more seeing them in this kind of situation. Our eyes meet when I look at Arthur's way and his eyes are conveying something that make me raise my eyebrow.

"P-prince Curtis, p-princess Kathlyn" they said with fear not even properly greeting us and totally ignoring my presence. Wow, it hurt my ego not being acknowledge much more getting the respect that I deserve.

  They immediately kneel and bow their head until it is meeting the ground. And the guts they have to lie to the royal family.

  "Y-your M- majesties. My friends and I were simply enjoying our time conversing when that barbaric peasant start beating up for no reason" what a complete b*llshit.


  "WE HAVE BEEN WRONGED" I looked at Curtis.

  Waiting for his decision with he complete lie and insult in our present. How dare a mere noble lie without a second thought for the consequences of offending the royal family.

"Is that true" an angry Curtis asked looking at Arthur's way even though those peasant are only spouting nonsense.

  "Brother" I reminded him before he even make everything worse in my opinion.

"What a joke" I heard Arthur muttered yet I know everyone heard it too.

  Even I am in his position I will be offended too since it is very obvious. The dwarves are in a bad shape in addition that they are out number no matter were you look at it. The condition of the dwarves are also worse than them so it is possible that Arthur are only protecting them.

I sneek a glance to their way and saw how they grin knowing that Curtis is in their side and Arthur already offended brother. Huh, I shouldn't get curious and just take my nap inside the carriage. I sigh with this mess that I always avoided no matter what.

"How dare you speak so casually to the prince of Sapin" our escort yell and grab his shoulder yet Arthur immediately hold his wrist with a great force based on how our escort change his expression.

  "My apologies, my speech tends to turn crass when I heard b*llshit" he said with that death glare. So intense, I can feel the butterfly in my stomach. 

"I guess you still don't have the manner." I softly muttered towards Arthur looking directly to my eyes.

"I apologize, you highness. You're still as gorgeous as the last time I saw you" Arthur greet bowing and kissing my left hand.

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