Part 7

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The photography club members gathered in the meeting room, buzzing with excitement as they awaited the president's announcement. Namping sat among them, eyes bright with anticipation, yet tinged with a hint of nervousness.

The president, a tall and enthusiastic senior, stood at the front of the room, a grin spreading across his face as he addressed the eager crowd. "Alright, everyone, listen up!" he called out, commanding the attention of the room. "As you all know, our upcoming trip to Phi Phi Island is going to be one for the books!"

Cheers erupted from the club members, their excitement palpable in the air.

"We'll be exploring the island, capturing its beauty through our lenses, and participating in various activities," the president continued, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "And let's not forget about our photography exhibition at the cultural fest when we return!"

A ripple of excitement swept through the room at the mention of the exhibition, members exchanging eager glances and murmuring amongst themselves.

"Now, to make this trip even more exciting, we're going to pair up for activities," the president announced, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "But here's the catch: we'll be drawing lots to determine the pairs!"

Namping's heart sank slightly at the thought of being randomly paired with someone they didn't know well. He glanced around the room, noticing the eager anticipation on the faces of his fellow club members.

As the president passed around a bowl filled with slips of paper, each bearing a club member's name, the tension in the room mounted.

Namping held his breath as he reached into the bowl, fingers trembling slightly as he pulled out a slip of paper. He unfolded it slowly, heart pounding in his chest.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he read the name written on the slip: "Keng."

A rush of excitement flooded through Namping as he looked up to see Keng's eyes meeting his, a smile spreading across Keng's face.

Ok everyone now listen, as we don't have many members in the club, you can invite your friends too. Our bus has plenty of seats. If anyone is coming inform me. We are going the next Friday.

And that's it for today.

As the meeting wound down and members began to filter out of the room, Keng made his way over to Namping, a casual smile on his face.

"Hey, Namping, so we're a team, right?" Keng asked, his tone easygoing.

Namping tried to hide his excitement but couldn't help but grin. "Yeah, definitely," he replied, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him.

Keng nodded, then glanced around before leaning in slightly. "Are you bringing any friends along for the trip?" he asked.

Namping considered for a moment. "I'll have to ask my friend Kong," he replied. "How about you? Bringing anyone?"

Keng chuckled. "Yeah, I'll ask my friend Thomas," he said. "We'll make it a fun group."

Both of them laughed..

"Alright then," Keng said, straightening up. "Well, I'll see you for the trip. Take care, Namping."

"Yeah, see you," Namping replied, a smile still lingering on his lips as he watched Keng walk away.

Namping wanted to jump because of the excitement. Because he just got paired up with KENG HARIT his crushhhh.

He ran to find kong
In his dorm room, Kong was trying to start his project. But as much as he tried he failed.

I can't draw his face at all, i think i have to take a closer look at it.. This isn't gonna work. Should i just ask him?

As he was lost in his thoughts he heard a knock on his door

He opened the door to see namping standing with his face full of excitement

Namping : kong, you won't believe this.
  I Just got paired up with p'keng for a project

Kong : whattt reallyyy

Namping : yeahhh the photography club is going for a trip to phiphi islands before the cultural fest. And there will be a photo exhibition. So we will take photos with our partner.. And there's a competition...

Kong : Slow down namping!!! I know you're not excited about the competition but someone else..

Namping : yaahhh stop it

Btw you're coming with me

Kong : me?

Namping : yeah, since there isn't many members, we are allowed to bring our friends.

Kong : no I'm not coming 😑You know i don't like -

Before he could finish his sentence namping interrupted

Namping : i heard thomas was coming too

Kong : ok I'm in!!!🙂

Namping couldn't hold his laughter that he started teasing him..

Namping : yayyyy we're going together then..

On the other side

Thomas's condo

well are you sure he's going??

                      not so sure but i think he is

ok then I'm coming

What was that? 👀 seems like there's a surprise in the next ep 👀👀that's it for today stay tuned for the next ep❤️

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