Part 3

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I wanted to post this part today cuz it's my Birthday 🎊 well idk if there are ppl excited to read this but I'm happy even if there's one person ☺️ Enjoy❤️

The next day at Kong's classroom

As some of you may recall," Mr. Tommy continued, scanning the faces of his students, "I mentioned the possibility of this project earlier in the semester. It's a chance for you to showcase not only your artistic skills but also your ability to truly see and understand the people in your life."

"Our next project will involve drawing someone," Mr. Tommy continued, gesturing to the blank sheets of paper on each student's desk. "But not just anyone. I want you to choose someone you're close to, someone whose features you know like the back of your hand."

"It's crucial that you pay attention to every detail of their face," Mr. Tommy emphasized, pacing back and forth at the front of the room. "The eyes, the nose, the lips—every curve and line must be captured with precision."

"You have plenty of time for this project," Mr. Tommy assured the class, a hint of encouragement in his tone. "But don't procrastinate. Remember, the quality of your work will reflect in your final grades.

Ok that's it for day. Mr. Tommy leaves the class.

The students are all excited for this project.

Student 1 : I've heard our Seniors talk about this project. This one is really hard. And we have to be extra careful cuz mr. Tommy is gonna be very strict in this one.

Student 2 : ( sighs) ohh it's gonna affect our grades right?? But i don't know who to draw.

Student 1 : they've told us to draw someone special right? I'm gonna draw my boyfriend

Student 2 : Lucky you!! Well i guess i will draw someone handsome

While the whole class was talking about who to draw kong turned to namping

Kong : i know who you are going to draw 👀

Namping replied trying to hide his excitement : Well, I was thinking of drawing Keng,"

I know i know Kong chuckled, but inwardly, he felt a pang of uncertainty. Who would he draw for the project? His mind raced through a list of potential candidates, but none of them felt quite right.

But there was this one person from yesterday who has been stuck in his mind. He finally decides to talk to namping about it.

Kong : well ping,, i have this guy in my mind who i wanna draw, but..

Namping : i know! That senior from yesterday right?

Kong's eyebrows shot up in surprise

How you know??

Namping laughed teasingly : you think i don't know you? Come on we've been friends for this long..

Kong : but how am i gonna approach him?? Btw have you asked keng?

Namping's excitement suddenly went down : well no 🙂 I've only talked to him a few times.

Kong : ohh😑 besides thomas seems kinda rude.. Idk how to talk to him.

Namping : oh i forgot to tell you. Earlier p'fah called me. They needed a designer for the music club. To design their posters and all

Kong : soo?

Namping : Keng and thomas are in that club. Don't you think it's a good chance to get close to thomas.I heard lot of girls from our class are dying to join the club because of this two guys ( namping couldn't hide his jealousy )

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