Chapter 8 The intruding killer

Start from the beginning

I'm a mediocre reporter, and my grandmother is 80 years old.

We couldn't even beat that strong woman.

And my cell phone was still in front of the woman. The door next door opened. I heard my grandmother's limping footsteps. She couldn't see very well in the dark. Obviously, she saw the woman. But she thought it was me.

"Alice, why are you wearing outdoor shoes at night? Did you just get home from work?" I heard my grandmother's voice.

I was screaming in my head, "Grandma, that's not me!" "Don't go near her!"

"Grandma, hurry back!" The woman moved.

Although I couldn't see her, I could hear footsteps. Grandmother finally realized that it wasn't me. "Who are you? Why are you in my house?" Although Grandma has Alzheimer's disease, her attacks are irregular. Sometimes she was awake. At that moment, she was obviously very lucid. I clenched my fists in a fearful death grip. My grandmother was in a very dangerous situation. This woman was holding a knife. I had to go out immediately and save my grandmother.

But at the same time I realized that I was so cowardly that I couldn't even take a step. The fear was so strong that I could only cower behind the door.

My grandmother asked out loud who the woman was, but then her voice stopped.

For a moment there was silence outside.

My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

Then I heard a muffled grunt from my grandmother.

The next moment was the sound of a sharp instrument piercing flesh.

Tears streamed from my eyes.

My shoulders shook and I covered my mouth.

I know it was her that killed my grandmother.

I crouched and held my breath.

"Don't find me."

"Don't find me."

I kept praying.

But God did not hear.

I felt breathing from above.

I looked up and saw the woman's head peeking through the door.

She was grinning and looking at me, her eyes glazed over with extreme exaggeration.

I could see the red blood in her eyes like cobwebs.

I screamed in horror.

The woman raised her knife and lunged at me.

I felt a sharp pain.

But the next moment I lost consciousness.

I snapped out of it.

The clock on the wall was about to strike three o'clock.

What just happened, was this a dream?

Just when I thought it was just a terrible nightmare--

I heard the creepy voice coming from the living room.

"Face unlock failed."

I sat up with a jerk.

No dream.

Everything was really happening.

But for some reason, I'm back.

Back to this moment at 3:00 in the morning.

Maybe this is a chance God has given me.

I clenched my fists.

深夜死亡电话&发生在我身上的真实恐怖故事Where stories live. Discover now