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Jungkook dragged Jimin with him. The Park family and Jeon family took pictures together. It was photoshoot moment and everyone took pictures with the bride and groom. After taking photos Jimin held Jungkook's hand and took him outside of the wedding Hall.
"Yaa what's wrong?" Jungkook asked looking at Jimin. Jimin looked at Jungkook and crossed his hands.
"What was that?"
"Why did you act like that when Han sujoon was about to take pictures with me!"
"Act like what!"
"Jungkook I'm serious. He was just asking for taking picture with me ..and you just snatched his phone and took a picture then left the place without saying any goodbye while dragging me with you also! Is this a good behavior?"
"Well, you should not take pictures with some strangers."
"Stranger! But he is my cousin's friend "
"So what? Do you know him well? Listen, I know these types of boys okay? They are not decent. They will take pictures and later on edited it and use the pictures for evil works. "
"Se ... seriously! He was literally requesting me..he is a decent boy I think."
"No ...they look like decent but actually a playboy inside."
Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at him.
"Yeah just like you! A playboy!"
"Well, at least I don't play with hearts, darling!" Jungkook said directly looking at Jimin's eyes. He then run his one hand through his hair stylingly and went inside the hall leaving a angry and speechless Jimin behind. Jimin looked at Jungkook's direction and made a pouted face.
Night 11pm...
The wedding ceremony was over and the guests started leaving the hall one by one. The Park family and Jeon family greeted each other and got inside their car.
"See you tomorrow!"
"Yeah..see you" Jimin said while pouting. Jungkook just chuckled at Jimin's cuteness and they both got inside their own cars where their parents were waiting for them. And both family headed for their home.

Jimin took shower and laid on his bed. The notifications sound made him to take his phone on his hand.
"What's up with group!" Jimin said and opened the group chat.

All the best Hobii..
       I will come tomorrow at the varsity to cheer you up.

Oh yeah,, he will be the winner don't worry guys!

Jimin just remembered looking at the chats that tomorrow is their dance competition and Hobi will participate in it.

Oh yes...all the best Hobii hyung...😌
          @ Jimin ..you are too late. I bet you forgot about the competition.. didn't you!😪😂

Shut up...🙄 I didn't

           OMG..thank youuu guys...😭😘💜 Let's hope for the best ✌🏻

Morning 9am...
There is no classes for today as today is grand dancing competition. Jimin woke up and freshed up. He then took his breakfast. He wore a nice dress and checked himself on the mirror while smiling.
"Bye omaa.."
"Bye..tell Hobi I said all the best." Jimin's mom said and Jimin smiled.
"Suree" Jimin said and headed for the varsity.
The dance hall decorated nicely. Everyone started gathering there. Jimin was looking for his friends and on that time Jungkook came and stood behind Jimin.
"You are late!" Jungkook said in Jimin's ears and Jimin jumped in fear hearing sudden voice. He then looked at Jungkook promptly.
"You...idiot..you startled me!" Jimin said keeping his one hand on his chest. Jungkook chuckled and kept his one hand on Jimin's shoulder and other inside his pocket.
"Well, let's sit...they are coming" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
Jungkook and Jimin took their seats and soon Namjoon and Jin joined them. The host started the competition and performer started coming ont the stage one by one. After five performers it Hobi's turn . Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin started cheering for Hobi while screaming their lungs out by Hobi's name. Hobi dance heavenly and gorgeously. When his dancing was finished the whole hall started clapping for him loudly including the judges also.
"Hobi will be the winner I'm sure" Jimin said smilingly while clapping.
"For sure" Jungkook replied smilingly.
"And the winner is......."
Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin started praying hard.
"None other than.. Jung Hoseok.." the host announced and again there was loud applause for Hobi. Jimin, Jungkook Namjoon and Jin hugged each other in happiness.
Hobi looked at them and waved while carrying the trophy 🏆 and they all waved back.
Jimin, Jungkook, Hobi , Namjoon and Jin were gossiping and laughing and was praising Hobi.
"You have to give us treat!" Jimin said and Hobi nodded smilingly.
"Of of course guys.."
"My mom already said all the best to you and she will be very happy hearing about your victory" Jimin said and Hobi smiled brightly.
"Oh give my  thanks to aunti"Hobi said and Jimin nodded smilingly.
Meantime a boy approached towards the group while looking at Jimin.
"Jimin?" The boy called and Jimin also his friends looked at the boy. Jungkook frowned his eyebrows looking at the boy.
"Yes?" Jimin replied.
"Hi..I'm ..I'm Lin Yue ..from art department."
"Oh hi Lin Yue."
"I..I came here to give you something"
Jimin frowned his eyebrows.
"What is it!" Jimin said in a curious voice while Jungkook was looking at that boy keeping his hands inside his pockets.
The boy bring his hands in front exposing few beautiful roses in a little bouquet.
"Will you please take this flowers. I brought it for you. I wanted to give you flowers for long time but I couldn't. Don't worry it's not a proposal just I wanted to give you this." Lin Yue said shyly. Jimin was listening to Lin Yue while his eyes became teary and he tightened his fists as he was holding his sneeze somehow. Jungkook's eyes were all firey. Both Jin , Namjoon and Hobi noticed Jungkook's eyes on that boy.
"Will you..
"Haaachoooo..hachoo..hachooo.." Jimin started sneezing without stopping.
"I..I'm sorry...so hachoo"
Jungkook held Jimin's hand and came in front of the boy. Jimin was standing behind Jungkook and was sneezing.
"Sorry he can't take this particular flower. Cause Jimin is allergic to roses..red roses. So please don't you dare give him this flower from next time. " Jungkook said in a cold voice looking at Lin Yue. Lin Yue looked at Jimin.
"I..I'm so sorry..so sorry jiminssi..I ..I'm sorry.. please forgive me..I didn't know this"
"Will please throw it?" Jungkook said to Lin Yue.
"Oh yes yes..." Lin Yue immediately threw the roses and again apologized to Jimin.
"We should take Jimin inside" Hobi said and Jungkook held Jimin's hand started walking inside the building. Before leaving the place he gave a death glare to Lin Yue and Lin Yue just gulped looking at Jungkook's eyes. He was speechless and then left the place.
Jungkook brought lemon juice for Jimin and gave it to him. Jimin drank it and felt better.
"Are you feeling better now?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
"Wh..where is Lin Yue?"
"He left ..I think" Namjoon said.
Jimin felt bad for him.
"Why I'm allergic to this beautiful flower in the world! This is not right..I hate this allergies.." Jimin said in a sad voice.
"It's ok...who said only roses are the beautiful flowers in the world...there are many mores. It's just us...who make this flower so special. But at the end of the day, all flowers are beautiful. They are the example of beauty. So we should not compare them..." Jungkook said looking at Jimin. Jimin smiled hearing soft words from Jungkook.
"Yeah Jungkook is right...don't be sad" Jin said and everyone smiled.
But today Hobi, Namjoon and Jin noticed the care and protectiveness of Jungkook towards Jimin. These three looked at each other and smiled on Jimin and Jungkook.

See you in next part 💜💛

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