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  The Beast's Grip

I wake with a start, the remnants of a restless sleep clinging to my consciousness like a shroud. The stale air of the abandoned motel surrounds me, suffocating in its silence. As I rise groggily to my feet, a sudden movement catches my eye—a shadowy figure looming in the darkness, its form grotesque and monstrous. Before I can react, the beast lunges forward, its mutated limbs snaking out to ensnare me in its grasp. A sickening mixture of terror and adrenaline floods my veins as I struggle against its vice-like grip, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of impending doom.

With a surge of desperate strength, I reach for the gun at my side, fingers trembling as they close around the cold metal. Without hesitation, I raise the weapon and unleash a barrage of bullets upon the beast, each shot ringing out like a thunderclap in the stillness of the night. The creature howls in agony, its twisted form writhing in agony as the bullets tear through its flesh. I fire again and again, my movements fueled by primal instinct and the desperate need to survive. And then, finally, the beast lies still, its lifeless form crumpled on the ground before me.

With a shudder of revulsion, I push myself to my feet, my skin crawling at the thought of the creature's touch. I glance down at myself, only to recoil in horror at the sight of the beast's saliva and viscera coating my body like a vile cloak of filth. Annoyance boils within me as I hastily collect my gear from the motel room, my movements quick and furtive as I seek to put as much distance between myself and the scene of carnage as possible. I flee into the night, the stench of the beast's remains clinging to me like a foul miasma. As I run, my mind races with thoughts of finding a water source to wash away the taint of the creature's touch. I long for the cleansing embrace of cool, clear water, a reprieve from the horrors that lurk in the darkness of this twisted paradise.

And so, with determination burning in my veins, I press on into the night, my eyes fixed on the horizon as I search for the promise of sanctuary amidst the chaos that surrounds me.

----------------------------------------------------T I M E __ S K I P-------------------------------------------------------

As I approach the water source, my senses are on high alert, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger. The moon casts a pale glow over the landscape, illuminating the terrain with an eerie light. I pause at the edge of the water, my gaze sweeping the area for any lurking threats. Thankfully, the immediate vicinity appears to be free of beasts, spirits, or demons. The only sounds are the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze and the soft trickle of water as it cascades over rocks. With cautious steps, I approach the water's edge, dipping my hands into the cool liquid and splashing it over my grimy skin.

After hastily bathing myself and changing into fresh clothes, I gather my belongings and prepare to leave once more. My scarf is pulled up to cover the bottom half of my face, shielding me from the lingering stench of the beast's saliva and the foul odors that cling to this accursed land. With one last glance at the deserted landscape, I set off into the night, my footsteps echoing in the silence as I make my way towards the only building in sight—a rundown psychiatric ward. My instincts scream at me to turn back, to flee from this place of shadows and secrets, but desperation drives me forward.

As I step through the crumbling doorway, a shiver runs down my spine, the air heavy with the weight of unseen horrors. Every creak of the floorboards sends a jolt of fear racing through my veins, and I move with cautious steps, my senses alert for any sign of danger.The interior of the building is shrouded in darkness, broken only by slivers of moonlight that filter through boarded-up windows. Dust hangs in the air like a suffocating fog, and the silence is oppressive, broken only by the sound of my own heartbeat echoing in my ears.Despite my growing unease, I press on deeper into the building, my eyes scanning the shadows for any lurking threats. Every shadow seems to hold a hidden menace, every whisper of the wind a harbinger of doom. But still, I continue forward, driven by a desperate need to find shelter from the dangers that lurk outside.

As I navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the abandoned ward, I can't shake the feeling that I am being watched, that unseen eyes follow my every move. My hand tightens around the grip of my gun, my fingers poised to unleash a storm of bullets at the first sign of danger. And so, with wary steps and a heart heavy with dread, I venture deeper into the heart of darkness, steeling myself for whatever horrors may lie in wait within the shadows of the abandoned psychiatric ward.

Author Note

So Far So Good Right?....
Watch Yall think Is Gonna Happen!?

(Words: 863)


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