Mangos fix everything.

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"What have we done?" Arjuna was the first one to break out of the trance. He turned around and shook Nakula violently, but the latter had broken down into silent sobs. The Gandivadhari, regretting what he had done, embraced Nakula, letting him hide his face on his chest, and continued speaking to the others. "Why are we standing here? WE NEED TO LEAVE!"

Silence. Just silence. Arjuna hid his own face on his palm, restraining his tears to the best of his abilities.

"It's my fault.." a small voice pierced through the silence. Everyone turned to face Sahadeva, who looked like he had just seen someone die. "I-- I didn't care to talk to her, to understand her feelings, my own sister's feelings!"

"No." Yudhishthira walked near the Madrieya, "It's not your fault, it's m-"

"All of ours." Arjuna interrupted before his jyeshta could start disintegrating himself, "We are all equality to blame, not just you, not just Deva."

Yudhishthira sadly shook his head, "No, Arjun. Bheem barely treated her differently, you and Nakula were were worse, Sahadeva had distanced himself from her, but I.." his voice was choked with tears, so Yudhishthira decided to cut himself of.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bhima growled, he grabbed his mace and stood in front of the group. "Lamenting isn't going to bring her back. We need to find Agni and apologize."

"I agree with bhrata Bheem, we need to leave, fast!" Nakula had wiped his tears and grabbed his sword. "We've wasted enough time already."


"Leave, Krishna." Aaghnya seethed but Krishna simply continued to casually walk closer to her, taking his steps with force, "LEAVE!"

"Um.. no." He randomly grabbed two mangos from a tree and stuffed one in her mouth. "When did I turn from Kanna to Krishna?"

She took out the mango from her mouth and considered throwing it on the ground, but realised that the mango was really sweet and managed to convince herself that the mango was more important than her brothers and Krishna.

"Go away." she mumbled, biting into the mango. Madhava smiled mischievously, and placed his arm over Aaghnya's shoulder. 

"Not even a thank you for the mango?" he asked, chuckling lightly, taking a bite out of his own mango.


(I managed to write mango seven times- wooh?)


Throwing a sword to his twin, and keeping one for his own, the elder Madrieya started to walk into the forest, before stopping abruptly. 

"We don't really know where she went, do we?" he asked, face planting. "There grass is dry, it doesn't really leave footprints."

"Should we split up?" Bhima asked, going into the dense forest simply to check if by some chance, there were footprints.

Arjuna shook his head, "No, bhaiya, there's only five of us, she might have gone in any direction.." 

"And, there is a really high chance that she won't listen to us." Sahadeva said, "So either all five of us have to find her, and convince her, or.." he paused, "the elder three will have to order her to come back.. which I doubt anyone of us wants to do."

"So we have to go together.." Yudhishthira sighed, shaking his head slowly. "Oh lord."

"Well, we should start that way, since that's where she ran of." Nakula whispered, getting his sword ready. 

Aaghnya - The Sister of the Pandavas.Where stories live. Discover now