The Apple of Her Eye

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NiaMcKinna Alejandro KendallMaddie Chloe Brooke Paige Mackenzie

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McKinna Alejandro Kendall
Maddie Chloe Brooke Paige Mackenzie

"Sometimes I wonder if it is worth teaching you all when the best you can do is a seventh place in the group dance. So far, the only people who seem worth teaching is McKinna and Alejandro, seeing as they are the only ones who can manage to win." Miss Abby's glaring eyes glared at everyone around the room.

Last week was not as successful as any of us would've liked. We only managed to pull a seventh in the group dance, Kendall got a fourth in the solos and Maddie and Brooke both got second. Jandro and I won with our duet, but I don't even think that is enough to tame Miss Abby's temper.

On a brighter side of life, Chloe is no longer suspended, but on a sadder side, Kenzie still can't dance and I don't think the moms or Abby think it is real, which it is by the way. She really did sprain it and the doctors gave her a note saying she can't dance until they think it is fully healed.

"This week, we have a group dance, two solos, a duet and a trio. Maddie and Kendall, you two will have lyrical and jazz solos respectively. Chloe and Paige, I have decided to give you two a duet entitled 'Broadway Blondes' which is also jazz. Kendall, Paige and McKinna, you guys will have a trio called 'Seven Rings', which is jazz-hip hop. The group dance is contemporary and about the famous activist Rosa Parks and is henceforth named after her. I haven't decided who I want to play her. Alejandro, you will not be dancing in the group dance this week."

"Why has he not got a dance this week, Abby?"

Antonio's voice echoed through Studio A and I felt all the cameras zoom in on him and Miss Abby. Oh no, I thought that last week's Abby vs Antonio showdown was over. I look over at Jandro in worry, as do all the other girls.

"He isn't the only one, Brooke and Nia both haven't got non-group dances." Miss Abby plays the fool, but I know Antonio won't let this go, I've known the Lombardi family longer than anyone else here.

"But they are both still in the group dance. I'm tired of Alejandro not getting solos, not being in the group dance and not participating at all. I'm paying too much money a week for him to never have solos. You know he can win, he's a multi national and international soloist so why is he not getting solos or dances every week?"

"I'm the dance teacher, I have the say, Antonio. I'm working my butt off to make sure your kid has a future. Look at my kids. Mackenzie, she's eight years old and already has some national titles under her belt. Nia has won numerous scholarships to famed dance academies around the world. Chloe has national titles and has the Joffery Ballet at the palm of her hand. Brooke and Paige both have lots of wins and Brooke has multiple national titles. Kendall has performed at half-time games, wins and has appeared on many different TV shows. Maddie has won more national titles, crowns, scholarships than any other person I know and McKinna has been on Broadway two times, won every competition I've ever entered her in and is recognised in many magazines as the most sought after junior dancer in the United States. Amongst these kids, Alejandro is just a regular every day dancer."

"I'm sick of this crap, Abby. Can any of them do the lifts? No, and Alejandro isn't going to do them for you anymore. I'm done- no, we're done. Let's go Alejandro, now."

Antonio proceeded to walk over to us dancers and grab Jandro's hand, before walking out, while all the meanwhile, Miss Abby was relatively silent? Normally she'd be losing her head at anyone who walked out, but she was acting as if Jandro and Antonio leaving wasn't a big loss, which it was, Antonio is right, Alejandro is the only one who can do lifts out of us and out of all the guys at the studio, we work best with him.

"Everyone's replaceable, girls."

She was literally just saying how Jandro and I were the only ones worth teaching like two seconds ago but now she's acting like she doesn't give a crap about him? Man, Miss Abby is super duper confusing.

"Alright, everyone but the trio, Gianna is waiting for you in Studio B. Someone explain the Lombardi's obvious absence." Miss Abby quickly dismisses everyone else, leaving Kendall, Paige and I alone with her in the slightly cold Studio A. "Girls, this is a playful, mature piece. We don't do a lot of hip hop, so this will be a challenge."

"I want a pyramid shape in the dance, McKinna will be the top, Paige on the right and Kendall on the left."

Miss Abby taught us the choreography, which was a hip hop jazz fusion kind of thing, though I think she registered it as a hip hop trio. The choreo is cool, but definitely not a stereotypical Swaggy Lee routine. I saw that name on YouTube the other day and Maddie and I laughed our heads off.

"I need a lot more sass, when you perform a move, you need to put a little twist on it, I'm meaning hair flicks, winking and facial expressions. POWERHOUSE competition is known for it's high level hip hop routines with high level sass. I will not let the Abby Lee Dance Company have it's reputation tainted. Do you all understand?"

"Yes, Miss Abby." we all say in unison, as I wink and flick my hair at Paige.

"Kendall, stay behind, we'll do your solo. I can't stand watching your atrocious facial expressions for any longer."

Genuinely, Miss Abby is the nicest person I know in my life. Her constant positivity makes my dancing become better with each minute she works on it.

Just kidding, nice isn't in her vocabulary, but she is a good dance teacher!

-One Day to Competition-

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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