+ Chapter 1: Roses In Spring +

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    Princess Rose was in her castle's garden, looking at all the beautiful flowers that surrounded her. Her mother always said that as soon as she had laid eyes on her, she thought of beauty, then roses. Roses were quite cherished in the kingdom of Wisteria, and popular among everyone. Princess Rose was of course named after this beautiful, elegant flower.

    Princess Rose was crouched next to a rose bush actually, gently holding the bud of the rose like a wine glass, right in between her middle and ring finger. Princess Rose gently smiled as she felt the smoothness of the flowers petals in her palm and on her fingers.

    "There quite pretty," came the sound of a gentle male voice Princess Rose knew well enough to smile wider.

    She turned to see Prince Hiro, her childhood best friend, had crouched down beside her, gazing at the rose bush alongside her. He chuckled softly, then reached out, gently picking a rose and setting it into her hair.

    "There. It looks great on you," Prince Hiro said with a charming smile, all his pearly white teeth glistening in the warm spring sunlight.

     Princess Rose nodded softly. "Thank you, Hiro," she responded politely, gently touching the rose that now rested in her hair. She couldn't help but smile as she could slightly see the red bud of the rose in her hair.

    Prince Hiro smiled, before turning to look back at the rose bush, and closed his eyes. He seemed to be in thought about something, Princess Rose had noticed. Though she had decided not to question it and closed her eyes too, leaning back slightly.

    The cool wind ran through her hair and blew on her skin. It wasn't too cold, but just enough to keep her cool on such a warm spring day. The sunlight kept her warm while the wind kept her cool. It was just the perfect amount of both elements, resulting in the most beautiful weather. She let out a content sigh.

    Her moment of peace was interrupted when she felt a hand tap her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see that Prince Hiro had tapped her on the shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt Princess, but care to walk with me?"

    Princess Rose nodded and Prince Hiro helped her to her feet. Princess Rose dusted off her light pink dress and fixed the silver tiara on her head, before walking down the dirt path that went all throughout the garden, Prince Hiro at her side.

    "Is it hard, walking in dresses and heels?" Prince Hiro had asked her out of nowhere as they followed the path. He had turned his head to look at Princess Rose, and it was slightly tilted to the left as his eyes glittered with curiosity. He seemed to actually really want to know.

   Princess Rose smiled gently then cleared her throat before speaking. "You get the hang of it, but yes, it can be difficult, especially in heels."

    Prince Hiro smirked and looked back at the path ahead of him. "I remember when you tripped and fell one of the first times you wore heels," and this comment got him a glared from Princess Rose.

    "It's harder than it looks!" Princess Rose protested, crossing her arms and still glaring at the Prince through narrowed eyes. Prince Hiro laughed softly.

    "I believe you, Princess. It was just a funny memory," he said with another cheeky, and cocky smile. He knew he was getting under her skin with his teasing, and seemed to enjoy it.

    Princess Rose scoffed. This behavior wasn't new between the two. They bickered like siblings constantly, and that's all they saw in one another. They saw each other as close siblings, nothing more, nothing less.

    The two continued their walk, gossiping about other kingdoms or starting up random conversations. They could talk for hours on end and not get sick of one another. They were just that close. They were sitting on a bench in the garden, still talking as the sun begun to sink below the horizon.

    Prince Hiro was the first one to notice the sun sinking low below the horizon, and looked at the golden watch on his wrist. "Oh my, it got quite late. I should go so you can make it in time for dinner and get enough beauty rest," the last part was an obvious tease based on the smirk planted on his lips.

    Princess Rose rolled her eyes at him, crossing her arms. Prince Hiro laughed. "What? I don't want a cranky princess," he teased once again, still laughing. "But seriously. I'll see you around, Rose."

    Prince Hiro stood up and waved gently, as he began to walk towards the garden's exit. After a few moments, Princess Rose got up as well and went inside the castle, to see her mother waiting.

    "Hello dear Rose. It seems you were hanging out with that Prince again, hm?" She teased gently as Princess Rose stood infront of her. Princess Rose rolled her eyes. Her mother always mentioned this over and over.

    "Mother, I swear I don't like him!" She protested, crossing her arms. This only made her mother chuckle.

    "Nonsense sweetheart. If you don't like him, then go on and explain the rose in your hair. He must like you," her mother said lightly, smirking softly. Princess Rose knew she had a point, and started to question if Prince Hiro had feelings towards her.

    "It's just a gift mom, nothing more, nothing less," Princess Rose said firmly, wanting this conversation to hurry up and end. She shifted on her feet slightly as she let her hands hang at her side.

    "Sure, sure.." her mother chuckled softly again, and smiled. "Dinner is almost ready dear, why don't you go wash up? Maybe put that flower in a vase. The roses are always the mist beautiful during spring, so don't let it wilt."

    Princess Rose nodded and curstyed a farewell to her mother, before climbing up the stairs towards her room.

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