"Yeah, I slept okay," I reply softly.  "How did I end up on your couch, though? And how did I get in these clothes?" I questioned, gesturing to the sweats I was currently wearing.

"Well, I don't know how much you remember, but I ran into you and Joe on my way to the restroom," she says, only trailing off when a rambunctious toddler jumps into her laugh, causing her to let out a playful grunt. "Hey, goofy! I was talking to Tay Tay," Karlie says teasingly before tickling the little girl, causing Emery to squirm and run off to play with something else.

"I feel like I might remember that.  I definitely remember meeting your parents and my dad making a total fool of himself. Sorry again, by the way," I say, adding an eye roll at the last part.

"It's fine, really, Taylor," Karlie reassures.  "But I guess you were already a little tipsy when I ran into you and Joe, and he wondered if I would give you a ride home.  I just wanted to make sure you got home safe, but I brought you here because my babysitter needed to get home."

"Gosh, Karlie.  I am so sorry.  I never meant to get that drunk," I said, putting my shaking head in my hands.  "I am so, so sorry.  Let me just get my stuff, and I'll get out of your hair."

"Please, Taylor.  Don't apologize.  I really wanted to make sure you got home safely and that you were okay.  It's really fine," Karlie reassures, her hand reaching out to rest on my knee. 

A shiver immediately shot down my spine, and I could feel the redness rising into my cheeks at her gesture. Over the few weeks I had known her, I had become very fond of Karlie and the beginnings of our friendship. It has been a while since I had any close friends, and it is heart-warming to have someone who truly cares about my well-being.

"Thank you, Karlie.  Truly.  I don't know how I'll ever repay you," I reply sincerely, taking ahold of the hand she had resting on my knee and giving it a squeeze.

Emery quickly finds her way between us, grabs my hand from Karlie's, and tries to tug me towards a colorful kid's keyboard in the corner of the room.

"Tay Tay p'ay moosic?" Emery asks, the familiar green eyes giving me their best puppy dog stare.

"Sure, kiddo, but I'm no pop star," I joke, situating myself in front of the colorful plastic instrument.

I slowly plunk Mary Had a Little Lamb on the keyboard and the toddler claps for me as soon as I finish.  Her tiny claps are soon joined by her mother's, and I see Karlie beaming at me across the room.

"Maybe if you guys want to keep playing, I'll go get some breakfast ready, and then I can take you home in a bit, Taylor?" she asks, standing and making her way toward the bottom of the stairs again.

I look at the chocolate-haired toddler and then back to her mother, eyes wide.  I had never really spent much time with children; I surely didn't know how to entertain a toddler or what kind of things she could even do.

Karlie seemed to sense my apprehension and went to a closet, taking a bin from the top shelf.

"Hey, Em, go sit at your table, please.  You and Tay can play with PlayDoh while Mommy makes breakfast, okay?" She requests of the little one, who immediately rushes over to the tiny table across the room.

"Just let her build whatever she wants and keep her sitting at the table," Karlie gently guided me to sit next to the toddler.  "It doesn't matter if she mixes the colors, and she probably shouldn't eat it.  Holler if you need me. I'll just be upstairs, and it shouldn't take me more than 20 minutes," she instructs as she smoothes the chocolate curls from Emery's face.  She leans down and places a kiss on her chubby cheek before disappearing up the stairs.

Ivy - A Kaylor AUWhere stories live. Discover now