House tour

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Salish's POV:
As soon as I walked into their house, I saw it was massive, I had never been to their lake house before.
Ji: "Want a house tour or what??"
S: "Obvi, it's soooo big!!!"
Ji: "First we have the theatre and the snack kitchen for movies."
S: "I am making sure you both watch my favourite shows. If you don't I will murder you btw, no pressure!!"
N: "OK then..."
Ji: "We have a few bathrooms on each floor..."
N: "I'll race you both upstairs!!!"
S: "HEY!!!"
Ji: "I definitely lost that one..."
N: "Yep because somehow she is at the top and I've been pushed down the stairs..."
S: "Not me..."
N: "Anyway..."
Ji: "Nidal has had to stay here a couple of nights already so that's why his stuff is in the drawers."
S: "Is that your nice way of saying I have to organize his clothes because he just shoved them in random drawers??"
Ji: "You guessed it!!
N: "JIJI!!!" He exclaims whacking his sister's arm trying to get her attention.
Ji: "You should stop because you don't want to be hitting your girlfriend's bestie!!!" She says with a smirk on her face, knowing he will listen.
Ji: "We have a snack room downstairs but we say that's a part of the theatre."
S: "Ooo what type of snacks do you have."
Ji: "The usual, Reece's and stuff."
S: "Sweet!"
Ji: "Nidal, stop staring at your girlfriend and pay attention!!!"
N: "Ok, sheesh!"
Ji: "This is the laundry room."
S: "Wait how many beds are there..."
N: "Ayo, why are you asking that..."
Ji: "Nidal, it's just a question!! Uh, There's 5."
S: "Wait and there are how many people again..."
Ji: "Six..."
S: "So that means..."
Ji: "Yep, you guessed it!!"
N: "What did she guess??"
Ji: "You both have to share a room!!!"
N: "Uhhhh. Okay???"
Ji: "Over there is the master room for Neshan, that one is for Juju, I get the smallest room next to yours and yours is there."
N: "ok I guess..."
S: "Let's continue and stop murdering others in your heads..."
S: "I've known you both for five years, who doesn't know..."
Ji: "Well we can list them we've got..."
S: "I was being sarcastic, don't continue..."
Ji: "Anyway, that's the indoor gym, that's like Nidal's new house. Then there is the kitchen, where we can make really random things and if we don't like them then feed them to Nidal.."
S: "Great plan Jiji!!"
N: "NO IT'S NOT!!!"
S: "I was being sarcastic but okay..."
Ji: "Also don't mention to Jordan that you two are sharing rooms, we haven't and won't be telling that piece of information..."
S: "Mhm sure..."
Ji: "Finally, we have the lounge, where we don't go, Neshan caught a spider and let it outside but Nidal's scared that it's somewhere else in there... anyway I'm bored, let's watch a movie!"
S: "Ok uh the fallout by Jenna Ortega???"
N: "sure."
We all went back down stairs, which I won, again. I went straight to the snack cupboard and with nidal while Jiji got the movie up. I got my favourite snacks and some ice cream and Nidal did the same. We made our way into the theater where Jiji was sat down ready to play the movie.
Ji: "say did you get me some??"
S: "mhm!"
N: "wait how do girls read each others minds??"
S: "where did you get that idea from..."
N: "Jij... JEHAN!!"
S: "OMG Jiji what did you tell him..."
Ji: "If girls are best friends then they can read minds..."
S: "wait and he believed it??"
Ji: "yea..."
N: "soooo let's start the movie, my ice cream is melting."
Ji: "sheesh okay. No pressure at all there. Say can you pass me the remote???"
S: "uh sure.... Here you go..."
As soon as the movie started my eyes started getting really heavy so I laid my head on Nidal's shoulder, I wasn't gonna actually go to sleep...

Nidal's POV:
The movie had just started and Salish was already asleep. I carried her up top and lied her down making sure she was comfy. Then suddenly she grabbed my arm.
S: "stayyy..."
N: "are you sure say say?"
S: "Mhm..."
I came and lied down next to her, I took my shirt off as it was really hot and she cuddled into my bare chest. She was right on top of me but she was really light so it was fine.
I kiss her head and I start to fall asleep..
I woke up 30 minutes later with a flash in my eyes. Jiji was taking pictures, I could tell she got good ones. I covered Salish's eyes so she stays asleep.
N: "send them to me."
Ji: "already have..."
N: "let us get some sleep."
I moved her head to the crook of my neck and cuddled her.
S: "I love you nidal."
N: "I love you too Say..."

I hope you enjoy this as I have wrote like three parts in a day, I can't write next weekend but I may be able to in the week.
Words: 867

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