The exciting news

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Salish POV:

I slowly woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. It was 5am already! It was the first day of summer, I'm so excited!! I was on call with my best friend, Nidal,  again. We have known each other for years now, If I lost him, I would lose myself too. Anyway, less of the Nidal talk, and more of the summer talk. Our summer is from May 28th until September 18th.

When I got out of bed I picked a crop top and shorts, I didn't want to prepare an outfit yesterday, I was too busy calling Nida...... Never mind. I sat at my vanity and did my skin care. I post a lot of videos on my channel now but I still go on my dads weekly, he only gets those views because of me, obviously. I set up my vlog camera near the mirror and did my intro.

"Hey guys, It's the first day of summer and I'm doing my skincare so I thought I'd do a Q&A, you all still have many unanswered questions from the last one I did so I thought I'd answer some!!!"

Question: What is it like being sixteen?

"Uh, not really any different from being 13 except I got my drivers licence like 2 months ago now."

Question: Do you visit your brother in University, as It's in new York?

"Yep, we surprise him from time to time and he always comes back for the holidays, he calls us a lot and he really enjoys being back in the snowy weather!!"

Question: How old is your dad now?

"Really old, like 57 now and don't mind if you cant hear me right now as my dad is yelling up the stairs telling me not to say his age."

Question: When did you last see Nidal?

"A couple months ago now, I really miss him, don't tell my dad I said that though because  i told him I didn't."

Question: Do you enjoy being a youtuber?

"Yea, it brought me closer to Nidal and my family, it's also good because I can choose if I want to do it, it's like it was a job set out from me since I was really young!"

Question: When did Nidal get back into flipping after his accident when  he was younger?

"It's been so long, a year and a half ago now, It's really nice to see him smiling on his own again, doing what he loves!"

"Guys I have to go now as it's 5:30am, I finished my hair, skincare and makeup and I'm really hungry for an acai bowl so bye guys!"

I finished the vlog and posted it, it automatically edits the vlogs for me. I headed down stairs and made myself an acai bowl. 2 cups of strawberry, 1 cup of banana, half a cup of apple and a cup of lemon and lime juice. Whilst that was done I got a notification on my phone. It was from Nidal! I unlocked my phone and checked what he had sent.

Nooooodle: hey say wyd?

Say Say: nothing much, just making the usual acai bowl for breakfast. Also why are you up so early, you wake up at like 11am, minimum!!

Nooooodle: No reason..... just wanted to chat to you, I've missed you.

Say Say: Awwwww you missed me, I def did not miss you at all, don't check my recent vid tho, nothing about you on there... Just.... My day to day life...

Nooooodle: I'll go check that now wait a sec.

Say Say: No No No, don't do that


Nooooodle: So you did miss me :)

Say Say: Uhhhhh, I stumbled on my words

Nooooodle: mhm sure you did, wanna call??

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