001 Hallway Crush

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i. Hallway Crush

TRIGGER WARNING; slight mention of suicide.

Charley wanted to quite literally jump out of the bus.

The bus that would drop her off to a slaughterhouse made for humans AKA school. Every teenagers worst nightmare especially Charley Quinn's for sure it turnt her whole life upside down.

And she hated it. She hated every living thing about school there was not one thing that was enjoyable about it. Everyone was stuck too far up their own asses to even give the slightest shit about anyone and it infuriated her. Thats when she learnt how to keep her mouth shut.

You would be surprised with how many people that had forgotten Charley even existed or even went to the school still. She quite literally fell of the face of the earth, well not completely but she was a forgotten cause but she didn't mind that she would rather that then have any reason for people to talk about her.

So she would try and avoid any kind of situation that involved reminding people that she still existed, which meant she never spoke in class or put her put her hand up to answer a question or ask for help. Nothing. She would rather suffer in silence than let herself been known.

To be honest she would rather be anywhere than be at school with all the self centred pricks that went to St. Andrew's College. She could be in her bed, surrounded by her old One Direction posters and the star bunting that laced around every corner of her room whilst reading any romance book she could dig out. That was basically a dream.

The bus was busy as usual, there was never a morning where it wasn't. It was full of people that worked the same 9 to 5 job stuck in the same loop, parents dropping their children off at school and elders that was off to go and roam the city of Dublin. Everyone had their own individual story behind them that was placed on that bus, that also included Charley Quinn.

The girl that who wore the same hairstyle every single day for the past 4 years, the same girl who wore the same amount of blush that was applied to her cheeks everyday. The same girl that carried a whole lot of baggage on her shoulders for just a 17 year old girl. Everything had all started to go to shit.

And Charley would let it get to her. She remembered the day it all had started to go to shit as clear as day, it started when a man she loved so much it ripped her heart apart and missed to the point it would slowly rot her frail body away and that was her father. George Quinn.

It was stupid to say Charley didn't miss him one tiny bit. That man was always in her mind like he carved himself in it to make sure a day didn't go by without thinking about him as she was still searching for his presence and love in all the corners of the world whenever she could. She just always wondered why.

Why him? The purest soul, the prettiest smile, a man who loved his daughter so much it physically pained him. To the point he would throw away his whole life to spend one day in her presence that had some sort of aura to it which slowly poured into him. Making him proud to be her father. Why him?. Charley always thought why was such a beautiful man snatched away from her or this world.

He was to good for this world he didn't deserve none of the pain or sorrows he had once felt and wishing she held him close telling him everything would be okay and not for him to slowly slip through the gaps in her fingers that once interlocked with each other once a lifetime ago. But there was nothing that Charley could do, not even her thirteen year old self, there was nothing she could do, expect from bury her love for him praying he would someday receive it.

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