Chapter 2 - Shifts & Such

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Chapter 2 - Shifts & Such

In this chapter, we will be going over what shifts, and shifting is in the therian community.
And remember, not all therians shift.
There are many types of shifts, and shifting has been discussed since the beginning of the therian community.
"Your Best Mental Transformation" Is a discussion from AHWW which took place on December 1st, 1993.
There's like... Lots and lots of different types of shifts that are discussed in the therianthropy community.
Common shifts that are experienced in the therian community are;

Mental shift
Phantom shift
Sensory shift
Perception shift
Auditory shift
Emotional shift
Dream shift
Cameo shift

Other types of therianthropic shifts ;

Aura shift
Astral shift
Berserker shift
Bilocation shift
Shadow/ghost shift
Spiritual shift
Physical shift
Envisage/self image shift
Koita shift

Those are (I think) all of the therianthropic shifts.
And I'm going to be going over each of them, in a simple, smooth way.
At least I'm going to try and keep it simple,
so we all understand these shifts easier.
And I'm pretty sure the common shifts are called voluntary shifts, and the less common shifts are called involuntary.
I couldn't find enough results on Google and any therian sites.
So, let's begin with this.

A mental shift is like a change in mindset, when you think more like your theriotype. For example, if someone's theriotype is a cat, and they have a mental shift while in their house, doing quads and they have a dog, they will probably avoid the dog, since they are thinking like a cat.

A phantom shift is where someone feels phantom limbs, such as ears, a tail, paws, maybe a snout , or maybe a full body of the theriotype. This is probably the easiest shift to understand, for me at least. I'm pretty sure phantom shifts can be triggered by sounds. Not entirely sure.

A sensory shift is when a therians senses become more like their theriotype. This is also a simple shift to understand.
If your not getting it, here's an example; let's say someone's theriotype is a rabbit. If they get a sensory shift, than their probably going to be timid.

A perception shift was harder for me to understand. Basically, perceiving things in a way more associated with their theriotype. I have no examples for this one, but maybe google it.

An auditory shift, is a shift triggered by noises one hears around them. An auditory shift can be linked to a sensory shift, if someone's theriotype has good hearing.

An emotional shift is a shift that can occur during strong emotions, such as stress, anger or sadness. This can also occur during other shifts.

Dream shifts are easy. Basically they are when someone dreams about being partially, or fully an animal.

And cameo shifts... Basically feeling like an animal that is not a known theriotype.

There will be a part two of this chapter, but I'm bummed out.

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